If anyone gets banned and wants to go back to the Tech board, log in as Tom and use the password "moRRon"...you could all post as him, or whoever takes it first can change the password and keep "Tom's" account.
ok, thats it... i wasnt going to rub it in, but things have changed. who was it that got all pissy about me saying "tech is gay"? there were a couple of you. i also said that tech didnt have the athletes to compete with LSU...and some LSU faithful jumped on me for that. im around tech a lot and yes, they are gay. everything about tech is really lame and generic (if you need examples just ask). everything outside of the "schoolin" anyway. for a little school in La they do pretty good. they arnt on LSU's level as a whole, but...not a bad place to graduate from. however, everything else is just plain stupid. this whole boycotting Cane's is even more proof. so like ive said many times.... tech is gay once deer season gets rollin' all the tech fans will forget all about Cane's.
Tech people need to see this if they think their little boycott is really going to hurt Canes. http://www.entrepreneur.com/Magazines/Copy_of_MA_SegArticle/0,4453,311420----4-,00.html
I find it humorous that when La Tech beat Mich. State, there was a lot we talk. Now La Tech gets beat by LSU, and suddenly they aren't actually on the team so there isn't any we.
My letter to the Canes folks: To: [email protected] It has come to my attention that your marque had a message that has been inflamatory to the visiting fans of last Saturday night's LSU game against LA Tech, and that a number of their fans have e mailed you about their displeasure. I thought it was funny, and a great show of support for LSU. I should also mention that in my travels throughout the SEC watching LSU, I have seen some simillar show of support for the home team in nearly every town and I have never have I taken it as a show of disrespect for my business while there. The Tech people are still pissed from the a$$ whipping LSU gave them, and have little sense of humor. A few of these Tech fans have made inflamatory statements about your business on their fan website, and I have included a link to their site for your review. Read the whole thread as it get's pretty ugly in their discussion of your food. http://www.latechbbb.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=5180 I eat at your restaurant nearly every time I am in BRLA for an LSU football or baseball event, and always love it. In fact while at Ye Olde College Inn in New Orleans on Tuesday, my lunch guest (who is often with me on these trips to LSU) and I had a conversation with a pair of gentlemen who are Tiger fans who also enjoy your restaurant on their visits. Keep up the good work, and if you can open more stores in NOLA.
Canes is pretty gross though. Bailey's was so much better. Remember when The Campus Dirt ran that article about the Canes low fat box. It had 13 less french fries and an employee would eat the toast for you.
I always liked Cane's better than Bailey's. I do remeber when Cane's and Bailey first started up there was another similair place on Chimes(I think) called "Mother Clucker's," I saw it however I never ate there because it was not on my usual walking route.
The best sign I ever saw was before the 2001 Auburn TigerBand beats kicker Game, its was actually on the Bailey's Chicken Fingers sign (now out of business) It read . "Tuberville, we got a finger for you!!"