Sure but that could be misleading. Are we talking most separate groups, most members, most groups hated/targeted, it just goes on... Should just be a yes or no survey don't you think? Main thing to remember is racism is taught, whether its the parents/family or KKK/BlackPanther Day at school (sad). “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
i was kidding with you, but you know, not all muslims are terrorists. There are some peace loving muslims out there. There is just as much violence in the Bible as there is in the Qur'an. That would be like Muslims saying all Christians are KKK. I think there are sick and twisted individuals of every race, and religious sect.
Until I can tell which is which, I'm not trusting any of them. It's like the KKK. If you're wearing the sheets, you're one of 'em.
That's no different than saying all white people are racist. Not to downplay your analogy, but that is a bit too inclusive. The KKK, is what it is, and radical muslims are what they are, but not all whites are KKK and not all muslims are radical terrorists.
I can definitely see your point, but I don't think the Klan is in the habit of phucking with people any more. 20-30 years ago, yeah blacks were scared sh!tless at the mere mention of their name, and rightfully so. Now? I don't think the Klan has the balls to go through that again. Back then, good ole boy politics could get them out of any trouble they started. That's not the case anymore.
From what I understand, the klan was originally a "vigilante" type organization. Some of the old folks I talked to, many dead now, said that they used to go to the homes of white people that were not taking care of their family, lazy, not working, abusing wives or children, etc and "talk" to them. Talk first. Warn the second time. Kick ass the third. I honestly don't know when the "black" beatings, etc began or why. I do remember being told about a black man that slipped into a young white girls window and attempted to rape her. First of all, he "supposedly" tried to cloraphome (sp) her, but she fought it and recognized him......I think they hung him. This was told to me by my mother about her father. ? Not really one of Mom's favorite stories.
not openly, anyway The Klan just uses their history as a scare tactic that no one really buys anymore. Edit: Read this in the paper this morning. KKK plans protest over Ole Miss chant | | The Clarion-Ledger
from what i have heard (secondhand) its a little less respectable than that. blacks had to completely tow the line. a black man would get the $hit kicked out of him, no questions asked, for not saying "sir" or "ma'am" to whites, for example. evidently the klan had relatively few problems with blacks. most of their time was spent messing with whites they didnt like. a catholic family wants to move to town?---no way. single man and single woman shack up?---pack your bags.