Though their message is a racist one with hopes of gaining numbers and spreading violence, the above post hit the nail on the head. If they really wanted to do anything, I hope they pick a fight with the players for both teams...maybe their bedsheets would get soiled??
You said not to make it a Mississippi thing, when I think it very much is. Sure there is racism everywhere, but not to the same degree as this. You sarcastically say "shocker," but I was very much shocked to find out that a high school anywhere in this country had segregated proms until just one year ago. That's my point.
I think with the turn this thread has made, maybe it should move to FSA (Probably should have started there... my bad).
I honestly hope you don't really think this type of situation is better in Alabama, do you? :shock: Did you know that Ms. has the MOST elected black politicians per capita then ANY state in the union? The African/American community is not large enough to put them in office without the help of portions of the white community.
cmon, not "equally ignorant" it does not go with any type of protest. there arent many groups that have a history of lynching 1000s of people dont forget that the klan hates more than blacks. they were known to kill a few jews in their day. theyve beaten and run out of town a few catholics too. i do think, however, that they are likely all talk nowadays. there is certainly potential for isolated incidents though.
I don't know, for sure, but I am not aware of anything to the degree of KKK rallies and segregated proms. Racism is prevalent in this state, I know that much for sure.
He's right again, SPL center puts Alabama at 6th for the most hate groups in the country,Texas being 1st, followed by Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Mississippi after Bama.
She looks cute, bet she's into dirty white boyz? :hihi: Is that a detinator in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
I'm not defending the Klan. I'm pointing out their relative impotence because people decided not to put up with their crap any longer. Muslims are not impotent in today's world. They are very dangerous and Obama needs to learn this. Maybe if the KKK had bombed the WTC he'd call it terrorism.