I hope every black person within 500 miles shows up and surrounds the klan to hear what they have to say. I honestly don't think that I would be able to control myself in a situation like that. I'm not a violent guy, but I've beat the crap out of assoles for less provoking behavior. Since I'm a little older and I assume a little smarter, I take the "ignore them" posture now. Sure would feel good to bitchslap a clan member though.
It really is best to just ignore them. I used to not think that way....but the older and wiser I get I know that ignoring these pussies is by far the best way to handle them.
I always think about Blazing Saddles, and "Why, Rhett! How many times have I told you to wash up after weekly cross burning?" Great movie. It's disgusting that this 'organization' is still around, much less able to field enough members to field a protest. As much as I dislike Ole Miss, they don't need this kind of **** going on on their campus. Stupid, stupid, stupid people.
Its ashame these idoits are allowed to do this. Maybe Ole Miss fans can make pee bombs just for them, LOL. More free speech, right? Seriously, all this does is draw attention to OM's "Reb" and their tradition, which is unfair.
The Klan has just as much of a right to be there as the Black Panthers did at the Voting Polls last election. Sadly I did not hear White people complaining about that. I do not support The KKK but It really bothers me that Whites are the only ones who have to walk on eggshells not to be considered a racist.
I am not familiar with the lyrics so I am not sure why the song was objected to. If it was simply because they object to the term "Dixie" that is just plain stupid. I don't think anyone seriously wants a return to segregation. As far as the KKK is concerned, I don't understand why the University cannot ban them from the campus.
students were chanting "The South will rise again!" during the song. administration tried getting them to change the chant to "to hell with LSU" (which i still find phucking hilarious), but students kept up with "The South will rise again" so to eliminate the chanting, they eliminated the song.