I ship from Gambino's to Florida every year and they do a real good job. Good King Cake and good packaging.
The best King Cakes are made by Port Allen bakery. They use donut dough with all kinds of fillings. My favorite filling is cream cheese. Talk about scrumptious.
If you think that there is a lot in common between a giant donut and a king cake, you have a lot to learn. Meche's sits in the same corner. They claim to have BR's best kingcake, but its just a giant donut. I have nothing against donuts. In fact, I love 'em, but when I want kingcake, a donut will not do. Incidentally, did anyone see the article in The Advocate last week about the guys who are baking kingcakes for Gambino's? They have been baking kingcakes for over 50 years, and used to bake them for McKenzie's. That reminded me of how good McKenzie's Turtles and Cinnamon Rolls were. I miss them. And Lawrence's Bakery. Those were the BEST donuts ever.
It's not a donut. It's a king cake made with donut dough. There is more than one way to make a king cake. But you are right about McKenzie's cinnamon rolls.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...it must be a donut. Donut dough, deep fried, glazed, and iced. Sorry Bengal....That's nothing but a giant donut.