I'm gonna have to call you on this one. You're saying basically let the gangs have their way and instill terror upon this country. I say that's BS. Would you want this to happen to your child? You can make excuses all day long, but bottom line, a thug is a thug. Give a thug a job and some money and he will still be a thug. Race is not the issue, character is. If any man did that to my son, be he black or white, I would go find him. He would never, ever do that to another person again.
i am not just being an agitator, i am genuinely racist. the races just are not all the same, there is not much i can do about that. i dont dislike any race, i really like everyone. i just know they are not the same, with all the same skillsets. quick review of my racism chart, which i have discussed before: western african blacks are stupid jews are smart japanese are really smart and more like each other than anyone else eastern africans (kenyans, ethiopians, luo tribesmen like obama) are smart. they are as different from eastern african blacks as they are from asians. totally different. vietnamese/cambodians are idiots chinese are so numerous and different from each other that you cannot really generalize indians from india are exactly the same as european whites in every way except skin color. features even look the same. anglo-saxons are pretty smart, almost as smart as japanese slavs are slighly dumber than anglo-saxons. good at math and chess though. again, none of this justifies treating anyone poorly. individuals dont play by these rules. these are generalizations that should never be applied to individuals, that isnt fair. louisiana is one of the stupidest states in the union. that doesnt mean i am an idiot because i am from there. but the generalization is still true. or we can all hold and hands and believe the happy lie that all folks are equal. our choice i guess.
also to the fellers giving the negative feedback: "Ignorant racist much?", thats fine i like the feedback. but could you learn to phrase things like an adult and not a 9 year old learning disabled ape that reads teenbeat? the proper way to say that is "you are an ignorant racist", or "are you always so racist"? the internet phrase "x much?" where x is some attribute or description is impossibly ****ing annoying. it is like saying "lol" out loud. it sickens me because i ashamed to be human while another of my species speaks that way.
I didnt give you negative rep, Id rather just call you out in public. See I know you try to be a agitator and thats cool. I hope I am giving you the responses you want. The problem is when I do call you out. You tend to crawfish and change the meaning of your post.
Hey, I don't have a job today and have waaay too much time on my hands. Maybe I'll gather up a few of my unemployed friends and we can go beat someone to death with two by fours to combat the boredom. Yes, it's definitely the economy. :dis::dis::dis::nope:
We need a sarcasm emoticon on this board bad. :hihi::hihi: I also said nothing about jobs and money, that was someone else. My solution would be to call in the military and shoot them all in the middle of the street. No need for arrests or trials. Or even better, let's go back to the wild wild west where criminals were treated like criminals and where victims had the right to defend themselves and kill the criminal.
i agree that all races are not likely to be equal. ("the bell curve" is a good book.) since there are clear physical differences it is likely that there are other inherent differences. but as you said those differences shouldnt be held against the races. as you point out this does not apply to individuals---and this is probably even more true with african-americans since there are more mixed than others. you arent even really talking about races of which there are 3, but cultures, ethnicities or nationalities. i would be more likely to back you on derogatory blanket statements of that nature. however, i do think the biggest factor in all this (success of different peoples) is the guns germs and steel argument. but back to the point. the race of these thugs has nothing to do with it. there are caucasians like this in the uk and asians like this in australia.
Uhhh, this is not about you. It's about the gang-ridden blighted neighborhoods in the cities. You ever live in one? I have.