I read that article after I posted that comment. The first article written on McGill made it sound like he just started whipping the guys ass. I still think they need to dump Keys. Pot on a high school campus is not a good thing. There are too many good kids out there to waste a scholly on him.
Should we start kicking guys off the team if they're caught with cigarettes, which are incredibly more dangerous to your body than joints? Hell, some football teams even pass out cigars after wins (and Tubby isn't the only guy who does that and it's high time we LSU fans STFU about it). The only reason weed is illegal is that it isn't produced in mass quantities in this country and therefore, the US government doesn't get a cut. You think cigarettes would be legal if there was no Tobacco Road? MILLIONS of Americans smoke weed every year and anytime someone's caught with it they're persecuted by people who are either hypocrits (because they did it themselves) or ignorant (because they don't have a f'ing clue). "Reefer Madness" is a cult classic because of how ridiculous of a premise it presents, yet it's uninformed legacy lives on inside the Moral Majority. Just because something's against the law, doesn't mean people who do it are horrible creatures of Satan. And don't give me that Slippery Slope crap about weed leading to "harder" drugs. People who use those harder drugs were going to use them anyway and whether or not they smoked weed is irrelevant. There is a such thing as self-control and the majority of humans possess it.
i agree with most of that. especially this: people are brainwashed. they believe that something is wrong or bad because it is illegal. i will tell you what is wrong with smoking weed: nothing. from your opinions i think you would enjoy the book "saying yes: in defense of drug use" by jacob sullum. although it sounds to me like you already know most of what the book is about. people have a very childish mentality when it comes to drugs. we shouldnt hold it against anyone if they smoke pot. it is no different than drinking. and i know we all drank illegally in our teens. no one is a thug for smoking pot.
I think we should sign Chris Keys. Keep in mind he was a very early commitment, and wants to play at LSU. I know we can get most any recruit we want. Keys was offered. Saban seems to be very fair about these type of things. I do not get the impression Keys is a Tim Pope type at all. I would bet given the chance, he will become an excellent addition to The LSU Football Program both on and off the field.
This kid is only 17 years old. Let's all remember this. He will learn and move on from this. Nick Saban is exactly what he needs to mold him.