I can't say that I disagree, but a guy with so much to lose has to make wiser choices. :geaux: :lsug: :champs:
ii just think it really sucks that anyone ever gets in trouble for smoking pot. i know i dont care, and i dunno why anyone holds it against anyone else. if i was a coach i would not care at all if my recruits smoked pot, as long as they are in great shape. i oppose pot smoking as much as i oppose cheeseburgers. i wouldnt want my players to overdo either.
How can you oppose cheeseburgers with pot? they go hand in hand. lol. just kidding, i know what you're saying but I also think its stupid that driving over 55 is illegal but there's plenty of laws to hate though its usually best to abide them.
If they smoke I maybe wrong but if they smoke they should be ex LSU players and students, have a good day .
Martin...you amaze me... To compare this kid's first brush with the law to the repeated, habitual acts of downright questionable characters that Brady has recruited to his program are hilarious. When it something that happens every once in a while, on a college campus, when you're a football player, and everyone and their brother knows you, it's one thing... But, when you're a thug on the court, breaking your teammates jaws, throwing elbows, selling your team out, and generally acting like the worst representative of your school's athletic history in any organized varsity sport, or getting caught with bud? Throwing your basketball at your coach, teammates, referees, and refusing to come off the bench. Directly ignoring your coach as you instead listen to your AAU coach barking orders from up in the stands (Tack Minor)? Acting so poorly that even though you lead the Houston Metro Area in scoring by over 10 points per game, your stats are not printed in the Houston Chronicle because they know what a head case you are and what a punk you are? Gimme a break...Temporary moments in which one has a lapse in judgement are one thing...but habitual behavior is something more...and a coach who looks past those habitual choices and continual behavior is just as culpable for the sullying of our program's image as anything those player have or will do.
the word "teammates" is plural. plural words are used to describe more than one. learn to tell the truth.
Guys, like me. Right.... Before you assume anything and make an ass of yourself, why don't you just STFU? (oops too late) You may know who I am but you certainly don't know me and shouldn't be making posts like you do.
The attitude is what I was talking about...rampant social drug use with a who-cares attitude, heavy drinking, etc. Whether I know YOU personally or not is irrevelant, but I stand by what I said about "guys like you".