So were these guys all thugs and hoodlums or just regular guys who liked to burn a little herb now and then?
MikeD had previously pointed out that he was also, like me, a graduate of the class of 1999 from BRMHS. I'd say that YOU would probably call them regular guys who liked to burn a little herb now and then, but I have different opinion(s).
Often times guys that like to "burn a little herb now and then" are categorized as thugs and/or hoodlums. Sometimes they are and sometimes not. Herb smokers come in many shapes and sizes, the vast majority of them are just regular folks (even doctors, lawyers, 80 yr old widowed grandmothers) Like someone else said, let this guy finish out his senior year and see what kind of year he has on the field and off. I trust Saban on this one.
I don't care if Keys smoke weed or not as long as he has sense enough to lay off it during the season when he might have to pee in a bottle. During my college years I made my share of contributions to the economy of the pot exporting nations.
Nick is oversigned to meet the 85-player imit in August. If enough players don't transfer, flunk out, or grayshirt, it may be a bad year to get in trouble with the law.
I agree, lets see if a pattern develops or if this kid just made a mistake and can recover. If you took everyone that ever smoked weed and threw them in jail many corporations and many government agencies would have half empty buildings. He obviously made a mistake especially on campus but that doesn't brand him a thug for life. :geaux: :lsug: :champs:
the idea that pot is illegal is absurd to the point of imbecility. people who smoke pot do not deserve to be arrested, but should be given prizes for mocking stupid laws. (i dont smoke pot myself, i just hate stupid laws)