Politics Kevin McCarthy admits Benghazi Investigation a scam

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    I care more about a corrupt IRS. What's your take on that crap tactic? A legislative process approved to pay themselves more money to keep jobs that we all pay for. Got it. Fuck politicians. Every damn one of them. And $1B>$4.5M.

    MY Republican congress? Are they YOUR Republican congress?
    Bengal B likes this.
  2. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Exactly where is there a shred of evidence that she did something wrong? They have done their investigations and found nothing. You know something they don't?
    McCarthy is a dufus....we agree. All we've really learned is that the Republican party has knowingly and, evidently, collaboratively coordinated to take down a political opponent using the power of their committees and 4.5 million in tax payer money. That's what we've learned. They've had months and months and months to investigate HRC and have found nothing but it only took that jackass a few seconds on TV to reveal what they've really been doing. Worse, he did it in an effort to brag on why he should be the next Speaker of the House. That's rich.....and maybe criminal.
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    you care about your precious republican party and your own agenda and with every post you are making that more and more apparent. just put the shovel down and quit digging this hole for yourself.
    so now it's about the irs, huh? before that it was about hillary's e-mail pertaining to the LGBT community. sorry sweetie but this is about your republican party wasting tax dollars and going on tv to brag about it. classic dumb ass move
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Exactly why I am glad Boener is gone and I hope Mconnell follows him. Most of this spending should never have been passed, the bulk of it was done by the 3 stooges anyway (obama, pelosi, and Harry can't operate a treadmill Reid) We are 18 Trillion in debt and growing. A few million to keep hrc out of the WH is money well spent.
    el005639 likes this.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Are you kidding me? Her story changes by the day as more and more info comes out. "I didn't have any classified email" oops, "I didn't send any classified email" errr, wait... " I didn't receive any classified email" well.... "I turned over ALL of the work related email" well you see, what had happened was...

    C'mon man
    tirk likes this.
  6. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    For the last time, chica, I am not a Republican. I don't read, watch, or visit the Fox news sites or affiliates.

    Let's start with foundation.

    "I remember landing under sniper fire.”

    “I actually started criticizing the war in Iraq before [Obama] did.”

    “We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt."

    Moving on.
    I thought it would be easier to carry one device for my work.-" a freedom of information request by the AP discovered that Clinton used multiple electronic devices, including an iPad and a BlackBerry, to send e-mail."

    The server contains personal communications from my husband and me-"The former president, who does regularly use Twitter, has sent a grand total of two e-mails during his life, both as president,” said his spokesman, Matt McKenna, in an interview published around the same time."

    I’ve never had a subpoena…Let’s take a deep breath here.”-"
    Confronted by CNN’s Brianna Keilar on July 8 about why she had deleted 33,000 e-mails while under investigation, Clinton said it was common practice. Keilar pressed: Even if you’re under subpeona?

    Clinton was under subpoena when the question was asked. After requesting Clinton’s e-mails in December 2014, Trey Gowdy (R-SC) got nowhere, so he sent her a subpoena in March. A Clinton lawyer, David Kendall, responded to the subpoena later that month, saying that Hillary Clinton was waiting for approval from the State Department before releasing the e-mails.

    Clinton’s people argued she deleted the e-mails before she was under subpoena, so her answer was correct. Except they were deleted in December, when she already knew Congress was interested in them. Before the hard drive was erased, e-mails were handed over to the State Department — but only the ones Clinton’s staff deemed relevant. Since all the rest were deleted, no one else could check their work"

    I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.-"After taking a random sample of 40 of Clinton’s e-mails, the inspector general for 17 spy agencies told Congress that two contained information deemed “Top Secret."

    Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate.-"
    eight months after Clinton became secretary of state, the US Code of federal regulations on handling electronic records was updated:

    ‘Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic-mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency record-keeping system.’ The responsibility for making and preserving the records is assigned to ‘the head of each federal agency.’”

    “On top of that, when Clinton was secretary, a cable went out under her signature warning employees to ‘avoid conducting official department business from your personal e-mail accounts.’ ”

    The State Department requires employees to preserve records, even saying explicitly that on the rare occasion a personal e-mail address is used, those e-mails should be forwarded to the work address for archiving. Clinton never did this."

    I wanted to go above and beyond what was expected of me”-"

    Now I didn’t have to turn over anything,” Clinton said, referring to the emails she turned over last year. “I chose to turn over 55,000 pages because I wanted to go above and beyond what was expected of me because I knew the vast majority of everything that was official already was in the State Department system....

    But new emails surfaced in June that had not been turned over to the Benghazi committee, suggesting either that Clinton lied about turning all the remaining emails over to the State Department, or that the State Department for some reason didn’t turn all the relevant emails over to the Benghazi committee."

    Republican presidential candidates are all “in the same general area on immigration.”- a response is not required.

    The Clinton Foundation is an appauling breach of ethics, money laundering, and campaign funding. I'm running out of time to keep the list going.

  7. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Fuck that Captain Fantastic. Last time I'm gonna say it.....I am not a republican, I don't give money to any political party, and I have not vote for the republican candidate for POTUS in quite some time.

    No, it's about POLITICS. Wake the hell up. Neither party has the high road.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Just a cynical remark regarding the extremely right-wing makeup of FSA marching in lock-step with an ideology.

    No, but the fact that none of the nine official investigations have turned up any wrongdoing whatsoever is conclusive evidence that it is untrue.
  9. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    It's Hillyarious that her fear of Fox News and Sarah Palin forced Broomhillary into doing the right thing.
  10. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Did you check with Liberal Groupthink to see if the phrase Hitler Youth is politcally correct?

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