i will add 2 more geniuses to my list. gen·ius Audio pronunciation of "genius" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jnys) n. pl. gen·ius·es 1. 1. Extraordinary intellectual and creative power http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=genius i dunno what a genii is, so dont ask me, i am not one of the geniuses.
Another funny thing about intelligence is the distinction school districts hand out concerning gifted and talented students. By educational definition, a "gifted and talented" student is one whose IQ is two standard deviations above the norm--in a given district. I live and teach in a fairly wealthy city that is headquarters to EDS, Frito Lay, JC Penney, and Dr. Pepper, among other large companies. So, a lot of the kids in our district are children of high achievers. Our average IQ then is around 120 for the district, making the standard deviation to qualify for gifted and talented a lot higher than some areas. That might explain why a "gifted and talented" girl from Texarkana transferred in last year, was placed in my 8th grade honors English class and promptly dropped her average from an 89 to a 40 in three weeks time. She was out of her league. Intelligence, like anything else, is highly subjective and dependent on many factors.