The point GW should have thrown in in his face was after Kerry said he sat down with UN Security Council members shortly before the war, and they told him the sanctions were effective; they were working. If I'd have been Bush I'd have asked him if these were the same people who were, as now documented, being bribed by Saddam to look the other way and allow this oil for food scandal to take place. But, as O'Reilly pointed out on the radio yesterday, Bush can't go on record naming names, because as sad as it is, we will need support from the likes of France and Germany down the road for many other things. So what the American public is left with is having to find these things out in spite of piss-poor media coverage as to the facts of this huge scandal. At least Fox has taken the initiative. I wish they'd broadcast it 24 hours a day until the election. In spite of this, I was fairly pleased with Bush's performance. His critics (Crawfish types) will point to the fact he came off like a red-neck and almost jumped down Kerry and Gibson's throats a couple of times, but I liked it. It at least shows he has conviction about his beliefs and what he is doing, unlike the zombified John Kerry. He did begin to expose Kerry as a liberal toward the end on abortion, but at this point it's a minor point and I don't know how many people actually noticed. Hey tirk, you might want to save the part where Kerry looked into the camera and promised he'd never raise taxes on those making less than $200,000. Somehow I get the feeling honest John may have been bullsh*tting us if he's going to pay for all his socialist "programs" and his plan to win the peace.
I like how Bush connected the dots, saying that Kerry wants to do to Iran what Clinton did to North Korea and it's that policy that is a direct reason for their current weapons. I didn't think he would go that far, but very happy he did. Kerry saying he would get tough was laughable. I loved Bush bringing up Kerry wanting to do bi-lateral talks with N. Korea, but not anywhere else. I think Bush did great. I think he was on the offensive enough, he really had Kerry defensive at times. He couldn't explain his record, it's about time they hit him there. Neither Edwards or Kerry himself could answer it, and Bush never even got to Kerry's anti-defense record. He would go on for a few questions trying to explain something. He really got pissed with Bush calling him liberal. Does anyone else notice that Bush happily calls himself a conservative, but Kerry won't call himself a liberal, at least now? He also didn't like Bush's take on his healthcare plan, but the truth is Bush was correct. Kerry said it himself when he said he would give everyone healthcare. He talked about healthcare for about 6 questions, he never could get it right. I thought Kerry's answers to the stem cell research and abortion questions were horrible. Bush did a great job explaing his policy on embryonic stem cell research, too bad people will continue to lie about it. Did Kerry actually say we should do it because Micheal J. Fox said so? I swear that's what he said. His abortion answer should kill his Catholic vote. He flat out said he was not only let the government fund abortions in the U.S., but also in other countries. He brought up that he was Catholic, that just makes him look worse. I'm Catholic, but I'm not pro-life because of religion if I was I would be hypocrite because I support the death penalty 100%. I liked Bush bringing up that Kerry voted against the Partial Birth Abortion Ban and the Laci Petterson Law. Kerry trying to call Bush a flip-flopper on stem cell research looked desperate. Kerry really needs to get off the allies thing, it's starting to turn into "I was in Vietnam". I'm glad he brought up that non-defense, homeland security spending is below 1%. My parents both work for a shipping company when Kerry said that only 95% of shipments were checked my Mom had a fit. If 100% at the docks where they work is checked the same can be said elsewhere. I have a plan... My plan.... I have a plan.... My plan... How many times did he give us a plan? In his closing statements I think he said it 10 times, that could be another "When I was in Vietnam". Bush's closing statements were great, but they were great last debate too. Bush was energetic, charming. I'll be the one person on the board to say he was absolutely adorable. The blue in the background, his tie really brought out the blue in his eyes. :thumb: Great debate. I think Bush won hands down. Kerry looked like manikin, I think he got Botox recently and had his eyebrows done. They looked vulcanish and his smile plastered on.