I offered the pipe.....didn't say what had to go in it broham. Tell you what, let's do a shot of Fireball and pretend we're Armenian. It will be a bonding experience.
I'm pretty lame when it comes to current media references. I don't know know who or what the fuck weedman is.
I find it hard to give a shit about the whole gay marriage business. But I care very much about official people thinking that their personal religious beliefs should be imposed on others. That is my pet peeve.
But you have to go through the state first. Religion doesn't have a monopoly on marriage. You can get married with no religion involved, you cannot however get married without the state being involved. Now when the government starts trying to force churches to perform marriages, I'll be right there in opposition. But you can't deny services because you are business unless cake is your god I guess. Sorry that last part was a little off topic.
Freedom of speech does not exempt one from the consequences of that speech. She will eventually be held in contempt of court and either face jail time or a financial penalty.
Ask Andrew Jackson. He openly defied the Supreme Court's ruling on one issue saying"Let them enforce their ruling." This is a classic debate between branches. BTW I support secular gay marriage and think her stance is wrong.