NO team is ever a lock for anything before the season even starts. If you thought they were, then you set yourself up for your own disappointment.
exactly why a lot of people dont like LSU preseason 1 in football. You have nowhere to go but down....but wait that means we want LSU to be losers. heh
Stubbornness does have its helpful features. You always know what you're going to be thinking tomorrow. ~ Glen Beaman ~
This team doesn't have a leader. Pure and simple. There is no one to rally this team around. This team does not have a true out and out ace on the mound that it can turn to when it needs a W. Pure and simple. This team does not have good defensive fundamentals. Pure and simple. Those are this team's problems, in order of importance. What we thought would be our strength has turned out to be a mixed bag. Pitching is hot and cold. What we never even thought about has come back to bite us in our collective arses. Leadership is non existent. Saban challenged the returning football players in 2002...They needed leaders. Or, as Saban said, they "needed wolves. Sheep need leaders. Wolves don't." Such is the case with the LSU Baseball team. Many, MANY talented and amazing sheep. Not many leaders... This team also knows how to "live it up" so to speak...But, then again, I have photos of myself with Brian Tallet and Tim Nugent in Barrett's, necks adorned with Mardi Gras beads and hands filled with adult beverages...and that was the night before the Stunford final...So, the "nightlife" angle doesn't hold water. We've had teams that party off the field way more than this one does, and they had a switch that they could flip. No switch is to be found on this team. Many sheep, no shepherd....
I agree 100% about the leadship vacuum. However, I hold Weiderhold accountable for underachieving pitching, and Smoke for poor fundamentals.