It's JS Racing butt head, buy some $5.00 reading glasses at Freds. Also I didn't mention any bible passages to back up my argument. No one said anything about selling tickets either. No one has to reconcile anything because we are talking about man's laws as they apply to society. the State is the executor, not the individual.
I truly hope this is one step from the abolishment of the death penalty. There is very little need for it anymore. While I am not completely opposed to the death penalty (Osama, Mc Veigh) I can't see the need for it in today's society. We have the ability to lock folks up where they will never hurt anyone again. For me that is more than enough. I support a culture of life, and I can say with 100% sincerity if someone were to murder a family member I would plead for the murder's life in a court.
Lock them up were they dont have the ability to hurt anyone? How many small time criminals and prison guards are injured/killed in prison each year? How much of tax payers money goes to feed, cloth, room.... its a free ride. And while they dont have their freedom to roam the streets or do as they please.... they have more freedom then they should. Prison's should model after Sing Sing in the early 20's. Strict silence policy, you speak to anyone except an officer, you go in the hole. No visits, no letters, no contact with the outside world. I also think if you commit a murder, rape, sex crime on a child, then you should be taken out of the court house and a bullet n your brain on the steps. How much does a bullet cost? How much does it 'hurt'? The only criminals who should be locked up should be small time crimnals like drug dealers, gang members, etc... We should also adopt a three strikes = life in a work camp (not prison)... they become slaves to the country they couldn't obey. Work for no pay, they must grow/raise what they consume. Build their own housing etc... There would also be true sentencing. If the crime says 20 yrs... its 20 yrs.... non of this 20 to life but out in 6. U.S. does this for 2 years... there would be a drastic decrease in crime, and an increase in money for worthwhile things like school, social security, lower taxation etc...
give this man a blue ribbon he got it right. We have one idiot on here that doesn't want us to "regress" to the middle ages or back to the 20th century. let's look at that shall we? back in the 1950's ( a barbaric time with severe social problems ) You didn't have to lock your doors at night much less the day time in most places. Now days you better keep it locked during the day. The "death Penalty" existed and if you couldn't do the time, you didnt do the crime. I think we should just give all the murderers and rapists a lollipop and a hug and explain to them that they are just misunderstood. :dis:
Some told me on the drudge report that they had an article about a 13 year old who beat a 80 something year old to death with his skateboard and then stole his vehicle. I am sure that it's mt fault for not being progressive.
No...once again, my argument is about as relevant as yours...which is to say that they're BOTH irrelevant when talking about our system of justice vs. that of other countries. Your argument is the perfect example of John Kerry's "Global Test". Meaning, for example, if say the French or Russians don't approve of the way we do things, then we should stop doing things that way. That's called surrendering our sovereignty. This is what your argument amounts to. Aside from that, let's just examine the practical aspect of things. Quite simply put, if you choose to pay for the upkeep and support (i.e., free room and board) of somebody who cold-bloodedly took another life, then fine...reach for your checkbook, NOT MINE. Don't ask me to subsidize murder just to ease your conscience.
its a proven that a younger person's brain is not developed unough to make a rational decision. martin, you should really read the bible before you try to use a quote which i see you have no idea what context it was used in. sabanfan, there are still people that will be put to death since not all cases are based on dna so there are still innocent people that will be killed. people that are convicted and locked up should be able to do the things they do, they should be locked down just like the people on deathrow. i've never had anyone murder a friend or family member but if it did happen they may not need the justice system because if might be me that would take justice on them. the only real problem i have with it is the age should be lowered to 16.
1. i have read plenty of the bible and know more about it than the majority of christians. 2. the bible is open to interpretation, i think christians can make a consistent argument why it makes sense for them to favor the death penalty. the bible isnt a book of facts, it is made for interpretation. you may interpret it differently, but since its just an old book of fables and philosophy, you arent gonna prove any particular interpretation right or wrong. you can make any claim you want about the meaning of the bible. that is the nature of the book. i dont find a pro-death penalty interpretation of the bible to be all that inconsistent for a christian. of course, i dont believe in the bible, but i can understand that perspective. 3. anyways, arguing over what the bible really meant is like arguing over what santa claus really cares about most.
this thread started about juvenile death penalty and then turned to other countries laws and now avatar. no wonder why there are innocent people killed because people like you can stay on subject and stick to the facts. what the hell does my avatar have to do with anything? i've never even owned a pittbull so don't try to judge me by a picture on the internet.