Justin Vincent is our Third String RB now...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by mesquite tiger, Oct 14, 2004.

  1. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    and you can make generalizations about someone's character by one quote. The fact that any athlete aspires to surpass his previous years stats is common yet usually not overblown as many have tried to make it. That's why I didnt reference it because I think its a crock any many local, talking heads have cited and now you take the bait.

    Yet, coming into camp he was reported to be even quicker and stronger. Now his production has fallen off and a large part of that is how his style of running fits with this new offensive line. I won't explain it since you seem to know everything anyhow its obvious I don't need to. So add that to a young man losing early confidence and its not abnormal.

    Why turn his struggle into a 'cancer' topic. NS himself says its nothing about lack of work ethic, bad attitude or failure to be a team player.

    You can continue your tirades on Brady and people who support the LSU basketball program all you want...but to slam a kid who loves LSU is pathetic.
  2. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I'm not slamming the kid...I'm one of the biggest LSU fans around...and I don't like running down any players by name...Duh...I'm guess you just IGNORED the whole offseason when Randall was the forgotten man here save for me riding the bandwagon alone...

    I just think that Vincent's attitude changed. It's what happens when you're younger. You lose focus sometimes. You live. You learn. You grow. I think that's what will happen here.

    I said he will ride the pine. I did not say he will become a cancer. I said he will either find the fire, or he may be come a cancer...I also said right after I made that comment that I think he'll find the fire...

    To interpret an honest reason why this kid ain't producing into me saying that Vincent will be a cancer and isn't a guy who loves LSU is pathetic. Your reading skills are pathetic. Your calling me out is pathetic. I-am far from pathetic.

    Learn to read and comprehend...When you do, re-read what I said, and then you may realize that I just said that the kid should sit, and the kid wasn't producing, and on the field, that's what its all about.

    BTW-Reference what I said about Randall earlier this year. I thought he was done. I thought he had just "not shown it". But, it's obvious from his performance that he did show it, he did find it, and he put it all together to lead us to a big win. I think Vincent can do the same thing.

    Check yourself, you hapless boob...
  3. JVincent25

    JVincent25 Founding Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    I hear what you are saying TE and you may believe that he has become selfish and may eventually become a team cancer. But, I haven't seen that in him at all. If you watch his demeanor on the sidelines and on special teams he wants to be out there and he wants to help his team win, he doesn't care if he is only helping on special teams. To say that his whole attitude has changed because he said he wants for 1,200 yards is ridiculous. Despite having trouble running the ball his attitude hasn't changed, he wants to win and when he is out there on special teams he is doing everything he can to help LSU win.
  4. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Pathetic to make an assumption that the kid has let it go to his head based on one quote is just that. No need to assume something negative on the kid because he let you down by not producing as you wanted. That's the breaks.

    Instead of slamming the kid and making up lies about him saying his effort isn't there is a blatant lie. Because you 'think' he has changed? Only thing changed is his offensive line and his production.

    Other than that, you're entire post is pathetic...as for you, I never said you were so I guess I can conclude your reading comprehension is just that, pathetic.
  5. tiger fan 2001

    tiger fan 2001 Founding Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    LSU is running a crowded backfield. I felt at the begining of the year that AB would get a run at starter or at least hoped so. JV while producing great numbers last year did have tendancy to get caught from behind. AB is the faster of the two and maybe faster than JA. AB worked and dieted his literal tail off this year. He earned his position and Saban was more than fair trying to allow JV to get his head straight and hold the #1 position. AB and JA have been making good numbers running behind the same line JV couldn't.

    In no way dogging JV but am happy that we have 2 or 3 guys in our backfield that could be #1 at many major college programs.
  6. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I have always thought that Addai & Broussard are better than Vincent...but, to be totally honest, I don't care WHO starts...

    I said the same things when Carey was sat down last year...

    I haven't made up any lies...I'm quoting Nick Saban? Is Nick Saban lying when he told you this? Why would he have said this? Why would he had told us this in the off-season if he didn't think it was important?

    I haven't said he is a cancer...I have never said he WILL be a cancer...This is a slippery slope I'm on here, I'll admit, but you're the one pushing me down as I go...

    Get a grip, man...I never said I hated him or I wanted to meet him at sunrise in the Quad for pistols and a duel! I just said his focus changed. I said that not because I made it up, but because Nick Saban told me so.

    Nick Saban says he wanted to help the team one year.
    Nick Saban says he wanted to succeed individually the next.

    Looks like something changed. I merely expressed my opinion about it. You're the one making assumptions and generalizations about the intent of my post. I haven't said he will be a cancer, only the potential is there. Just like the potential is there for him to succeed.

    I have said that he will find the fire. I said it from the very beginning. You haven't ever bothered to say that. You know I did, though.

    Again, this is a logical, breathing human being here on this side of the fiber optic cable expressing his opinion...On the other side, we have Tirk, who is over-reacting like he just started his car and his favorite cat was sleeping under the hood.

    Again, your lack of reading comprehension is amazing...You've neatly left out all I said about how I feel he'll be back, and how he'll find the fire, so that you can make your own assumptions...That's commonly termed a lack of reading comprehension, or selective memory...Take your pick.

  7. JVincent25

    JVincent25 Founding Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    JV was getting caught from behind by corners who run sub-4.4's I don't think that Broussard would break away those runs for scores either, I think that JV is faster than Alley, I think that JV is much better in the open field than Broussard. Call it bad luck or bad play calling when JV was in the game, but you're watching a different game if you can't see that almost everytime JV got the ball against Auburn or Mississippi State there was a defender in his face before he even got to the line of scrimmage. The fumble problems were a mental thing that can and eventually will be corrected. I think that JV (along with Alley) will once again be a star for LSU.
  8. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    I read two sentences. Reading 101 should have explained about being concise. I tried to tell you this many times as have many others. Obviously, you don't care so keep on writing. I cannot do it for every one of your posts. Maybe one a day, max but that's all I can bare.
  9. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    I would like to see JV come in in the 4th quarter of games... Let AB and JA beat the crap out of the opposing teams defense for 3 quarters, then, in the fourth quarter, when the holes start opening wide because the defense is tired, you bring in the speed/slashing type back to run away with the game.
  10. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    Whenever I've bumped in to Justin at Reggies or around campus, he has always seemed like a real down to earth, good guy. I've heard that his mom makes sure he keeps his focus. I think that the Sophmore jinx really is what Justin is going through. To have a season like he had last year, as a freshman, SEC & NC MVP - that's a alot of hype to try and live up to. I had alot of worries about him coming into this season because he was on a few pre-season Heisman watch lists and such. That's alot to deal with for an 18 year old who's just trying to go out there and play ball.

    PS: TigerEducated, I think you're making some good logical points, but it's more of the negative connotation that you put behind it that seems to be getting to some people. Nobody wants to read anything negative about our players, especially not from an LSU fan.

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