What a lame attempt at dishing smack...but I'll bite anway. I can't seem to read the score that's pictured on this scoreboard...would any of you cajuns be so kind to help me out? Thanks!
And you think that scoreboard is going to help you this year? Do you not remember your last trip to Baton Rouge?
But acting dumb over Auburn's mascot is going to help you out this year? It's just smack, nothing more...this is gonna be a great week!
Funny thing about this picture....that Pink Panther looking Tiger wantabe, is looking to smoke the lit end.
here is what I can't figure out, what does Smokey the dog have to do with a volunteer? They really have 2 physical mascots and yet no one seems to ever mention it.
Let me help you understand Smokey is named after the Smokey Mountains of Tenn ( notice its about Tenn) Davey Crocett guy was a Volunteer ( notice the connection to Tenn) :dis: