Quick bit of forum help first....go to the post you wish to respond to and click the "quote reply" button, right next to the "post reply" button, to get the purple quote box you see above. Second bit of help....no one's trying to "tag team" you. We're trying to draw you into a conversation/discussion/debate. Everyone's still waiting for you to express a specific opinion, not just a blanket statement of philosophy as you've done above. Now the response..."lawful defenders of the Congrssional Promise recorded July 4, 1776", you say. How do the people lawfully defend an idea that is not law? If you're arguing that the time has come for a second American Revolution, just say it, dude. Then tell us how you'd do it, so we can talk about it.
I dont see only quoteing in this thread...Im just saying I dont see any reason what merits two bad rep. Much less one, do people get banned if they have two much bad rep? Be fair.
i think my point was that peeps dont need to justify anything. if people want to give me bad rep because i dont use caps, or because i just am not a likeable guy, or any other reason, so be it.
the answer is no, you cannot get banned for TOO (not two) much bad rep. it just means people do not agree with your post or do not like it for some reason.
I would imagine people are giving the both of you bad rep because of starting threads with useless information that doesn't spark a conversation. In his case, even when people try to get conversation out of him, he just posts some random generic garbage in lawyer speak that isn't relevant to any specific thing. Solutions: For you, stop being a coward and take a stance on something instead of posting links to random articles that "speak for themselves". Who cares what people on the internet think about your ideas? If you get proven wrong, you've learned something, congratulations...move on. For tinsley, find a way to develop...errr, rather completely overhaul your communication skills. This entire board has tried to hold your hands through posting efficient, interesting threads but both of you continue to ignore the advice. That's fine but don't be surprised and whine about negative rep when you get called out for being a rockhead. Edit: 2,000 posts! Werd.
You can turn off your rep in your control panel if it bothers you. It's just an indicator of how credible others find your posts. Don't take it personally. The only thing that will get you banned is accumulating enough infraction points, which are rarely awarded around here.