Which team would have more fans travel?????? Can you think of a worse possible reason why a team should get a BCS bid? Why have a BCS ranking at all maybe we should have a travelocity ranking instead.:dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis:
Herbstreit is secretly Brady Quinn's lover. At least Desmond Howard is on the set to have a real view of what the Heisman is all about.
It's ESPN, it's Gameday, it's Herbstreit...who cares! They missed out on yesterday's game because they were too busy creaming over USC/ND. No offense or disrespect to WV but let's get real. Bypassing the best team in the SEC for the Mountaineers is just wrong. You have to wonder how often these clowns choose another team simply to incite the audience, help sway opinions, or to pretend to be balanced in their assessments. I'm sure he would also say that Ohio State would still be undefeated had they played our schedule. He probably would also say that USC would be undefeated had they played our schedule. It's all BS! Just ask Miami about joining a real football conference. (6-6 and no BCS) USC, ND, WV...you're all invited to join a real football conference.
Something that is very often overlooked is that joining a conference with good competition has more to do with the fall of Miami and Florida State than anything else.
Wow this is a very astute observation. Never really thought about that. The toll of the ACC has obviously started taking effect on Miami's football program. That is a really fine example.
I use to think like that. But now I realize they have such a huge audience, they can and do influence opinions. It's scary. The anti-SEC stuff is getting old. They even dogged Florida this morning and suggested they have no shot at the NC game.
Lou Holtz said in week 3 that if ohio state or michigan plays the schedule lsu has this year then they wont be undefeated at the end of the season..he knows and needs to send the memo along
Exactly!!!!! It's evident that a bunch of poll voters get their information on games directly from newspapers and sports shows before they vote. Remember the voter kicked off last week that didn't even know which team had won? Who these morons stroke each week can have a big influence on how the BCS shakes out.