That is usually the way it works, when the players on the field make better plays than the players on the other team they usually win the game, when they make worse plays they usually lose. The coaches stay on the sidelines and coach the players but never actually get on the field and make plays.
No. What more can Saban/Applewhite coach that would prevent JP from throwing that dumb pass in the MSU's endzone that turned this game around? Yeah, that MSU player that returned the pick made a great play on the ball. FALSE. It was a horrible pass and JP pretty much just handed it off to him.
Saban apologist to the rescue... Have you watched Bama's defensive line yet? Bama's LBers are awful and missed one thousand tackles...literally, look it up. Croom did a GREAT job with play calling and ran it down their throats. But you could see Saban getting pissed considering 5 guys were there on every sweep to make a tackle and Saban, like you and me, found out Bama's LBers are completely inept. Again, Saban loses games, but not this one.
I know this sounds cliche, but I assure you that once a national title has become out of reach in a Bama season, all the fans really care about is beating UT and Auburn. (In most cases, not speaking for all of course). If Saban beats Auburn this year, the MSU loss will mean absolutely nothing.
43 carries 112 yards. yeah, they jammed it down their throat. Dixon: 26 carrier 84 yards... yeah, he was real McFadden-like. that 2.6 yards per carry as a team strikes fear into the hearts of everyone in the nation.
Again I say, why pay coaches then? If they aren't the least bit responsible. Taste like Saban Kool-Aid to me.:thumb:
He's worth it. If you wanted instant gratification, or lack thereof, you were dreaming. Blinded by the light...
Bottom Bama fans love to trash OUR coach...our 30-5 coach...yet can't handle a little ribbing about YOUR 6-5 coach. Get over it.