I’d never heard of the guy. Still don’t know anything other than name. Am certain I will not try to learn more.
Never watched Empire and never heard of Smollett until this latest news broke. If it is true that he staged the whole thing he needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Period. As @el005639 said above, if I were a member of the LGBT community or a minority I would have this guy directly in my sights. False accusations like this make it more difficult for people who are truly victimized and we should have no tolerance for either.
Almost immediately after the initial news came out, Kamala Harris tweeted that it was a modern-day lynching. Today, when asked about that tweet, she, ummm....hesitated....all of a sudden wants the info first. Lib hypocrite.
We should start a special council to get to the bottom of it. Only after the investigation is over can we form an opinion. After the CNN nightly special of course.
Probably. I had to stop listening to ESPN radio. These fucks are too stupid to realize the basic concepts of supply and demand. My last points on Kapernick: Optics - Regardless of his intent, he did it at the wrong time. Its even worse when you actually look at data and statistics. Its more fabricated than the boarder crisis.... In fact, more people die from illegals than get their ass beat by asshole cops. He wasn't the starter based on ability - It is true that he wasn't a starter and benched. Not worth the financial hit to an organization and distraction for a backup. It just isn't. NFL is a product, not a right - I mean, its basic marketing. The prime NFL audience are a bunch of white dudes who probably own a gun and support the military more than most. To them, and me, the flag and anthem likely make them think of those who have died for us. Now, I am not going to deny that the flag means different things to different people, but the polling on it is clear. Media comparing Kapernick to Hunt is laughable - Sure, Hunt is a piece of shit, but he has more value ON THE FIELD... Kapernick is a distraction and adds no real value to winning games. Simple as that.