why should florida respect us? they've whipped us 14 of 16 games! Now, they could show some class, but obviously, they have none.
I don't think our players should have done that but they were just letting out their emotions....wish they had done it in a different way. I believe the LSU players did the same thing in the Swamp last year.
They're Florida...100 years of football, ten years of tradition... They don't know what it means to be classy.
I thought it was quite classless myself. If we did it last year (I have no idea if we did or not) then we are just as classless. Dallas Baker ran out onto the field straight to the eye to stomp like it was his only reason for living. Though I don't believe it was all the team so congrats to the part of the team who know how to handle a win like it wasn't your first ever.
most of the players that were on the eye were getting in the game for the first time. all of their uniforms were clean!
I was at the Swamp last year for the LSU game and I didn't see LSU stomp on the F. If they would have done that I know I would have been very upset because I don't like it when players showboat, no matter what team they are on and especially if it is LSU.
LSU players certainly did stomp on the "F" last year in the Swamp. That is why our players did it, say what you want about Zook, he does not run a THUG Program like Miami and FSU. Stomping on the eye was our players payback for LSU's actions last year.
what does that prove? stomping?? come on.. the only one who gets hurt is the ground keeper. seriously bad on both parties. Wait till AU comes in they are known for such things. FLA playing spoiler. Do you think you can get UGA?????