Boys, that girl is now Josh's WIFE, not just girlfriend. And yes, I'm sure he'll live if the NFL career doesn't pan out. I'd say he's a winner just for landing her.
Not to be judgemental, but just wondering how someone who is supposed to be a big Christian like Josh can allow his wife to pose for soft porn. I am sure she too is probably a Christian if he practices what he preaches. Maybe the NFL changed him. And please, don't anyone jump on me for being some kind of hypocrite. I'm just posing a question, not judging the guy or his wife.
I was thinking the exact same thing the first time I saw it - anyone can justify anything to themselves if they want to. Some "Super Christians" like the Booty's would say something similar to: "Well, God BLESSED her with such attractive features and she has been BLESSED with the opportunity to make a living sharing her beauty in a tasteful way." Either way, I would crawl up the side of a mountain through a blizzard naked just to hear that girl fart through a walkie-talkie... SHE IS FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since she's not even nude, I would hardly call it any kind of porn. Lighten up, she's in a bathing suit. Pick up a Sears catalog and you'll see the same thing. Why are Christians quick to point the finger at one another? If you don't like it, don't look. (This is officially the first time I've taken up for a Booty)
Originally Posted by MiketheTiger69 Not to be judgemental, but just wondering how someone who is supposed to be a big Christian like Josh can allow his wife to pose for soft porn.. that is being judgmental, Mr. Christian.... and it isn't soft porn. Porn would involve some erotic behavior. And she isn't masturbating.... unfortunately.
his arm was never the problem, it was his poor decision making. Just because his wife is posing in a non-porn trash mag, means he's no longer a christian? some of you need to stop being so judgemetnal and read the bible.