The only reason he is in it, is because of baseball and there inability to police it themselves. Steroids are already a controlled substance they passed a new ban on some supplements, and left it open ended or a living document so things can be added to it. As far the BCS didn't somone try to get it to them or the Supreme court a couple of years ago? OH the founding fathers must be rolling over considering what they went through.
more reason to recognize maccain sucks: mccain is maybe the worst politician of this era. campaign finance reform is a farce and a total abomination. the above artice may be a bit alarmist, but nevertheless, the whole thing is ridiculous. i hope the mccain lovers quit waving their "look at me i am thoughtful and moderate" flags and realize the guy is a jackass.
That movie was full of screwups... it was hilarious when in one scene he's got that shirt on and in the next one he's got a bright white one...
Hate to have to reply to this, but everyone's opinion of the interest level of baseball is subjective. Personally I can't stand it until playoff time when everyone is actually giving it their all and there are people in the stands.
obviously this thread is old and no longer relevant, baseball policed itself. the point is the campaign finance reform stuff.
Lamebrain mccain's campain finance reform was nothing more than an attempt to silence the NRA, when during election times they air commercials showing a candidates voting history with regards to the 2nd amendment. They speak of the NRA as one evil entity with a million hands wielding bazookas and oozes, and the head of Chalton Heston, when its nothing more than a band of 3 million gun owners who band together to have their voices heard. John Mccain is the DEVIL!:cuss:
thats because you're baseball ignorant. its ok i dated a girl like that though she was cute. you dont even know the basics of needing a junk throwing left hander or even remember a discussion we had from last week. you should try to focus more. its like god makes some people book smart yet they cant tie their shoes. its ok you can always be proud you scored well on a test. then again, NC St beat Houston once too.
fair enough. I can also be glad I have a degree in engineering, I can also be glad that I have a nice job and a house. (Not that I earned any of what I have, it's all from the One, and I acknowledge that) None of what you said makes baseball an interesting sport.