1. Sorry, unless I've been misled here I'd have to say that hasn't been the case
    with Brady Ball from what I have heard at this forum.
    They can win and still don't have filled seats at the Pmac?
  2. Yep, that quote says it all:lol:
    "Could 2007 finally mark the year that John Brady finally lands a highly-touted pure point guard in his long tenure at LSU?"
    Just in the Nick of time:lol:
  3. None of you have been showing up at LSU basketball games for the past ten years. As if low attendance will suddenly make a difference now.
  4. so, dump on him for not having point guards and dump on him for recruiting point guards?

    im sure that all along cjb's plan was to not recruit guards for 10 yrs, have a bad season, then recruit one to save his job. im sure then he'll go back to not recruiting guards
  5. You take it too personal and thats too bad.
    It was a joke, I thought it was a hilarious quote, it wasn't my quote btw
    it was tigerbaits.
    Didn't you notice the laughing faces?:confused:
  6. Imo, your sarcasm and "humor" concerning LSU basketball has been way over the top lately.
  7. Thank You mister moderator/god of tigerforums!:grin:
    Last 2 years you guys were blasting many on the other side including myself.
    I use to love LSU basketball more than football but that has changed over
    the years.

    Since most don't care about LSU basketball and winning and are happy with
    mediocrity I've come to accept and expect it.
    I also wised up thanks to other posters and the Nick Saban era that you could
    never get a real basketball coach to LSU without top notch facilities.

    Having said this I am now for Brady and hope he stays.
    I hope this feud goes on for a long time since football season is over.
    Makes this forum interesting.:grin: :lol:

    It seems to me those that gave the anti-Brady people hell are now paying the
    price, the irony of it all, I find LSU basketball hillarious these days.
    You can't have it both ways folks!:yelwink2:
  8. We gave Brady Bashers hell because they deserved it. When they started ridiculing players such as Temple and Thomas indicating it was a wasted scholarship, they deserved to be pointed out. Brady is different. He is paid well to take the pain when we are in a painful situation.
    Don't get too smug though. I expect to see us back at the top of the SEC again next year. We have a commitment from a JC guard that can shoot from outside and supposedly can shoot off the dribble. If Beverly comes we are solid again. Bashers say Brady can't coach. Coach K, Jim Calhoun, Pearl, Sutton, Tubby, and Donavan know better. :)

    Oh if we fire Brady you guys who always wanted a Duke assistant to take his place, good news, there are a couple available. Quinn Snyder, to my knowledge is still available. Now Tommy Amaker is looking for a new job. I suppose some of the gloss has worn off but they are available.
  9. If next year is anything like this year than Brady will be gone. Now if the jc kid is a good point guard and Randolph is as good as advertised and some current players improve, things will be different.