Joe the Plumber

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by CajunlostinCali, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    You both missed the point. It matters not what Joe truly makes, or even who he intends to vote for. Nor does it matter how the taxes eventually get to him. What matters is that Obama, confronted by the scenario of how his tax plan will affect the taxpayer, said,"Tough, I don't think its fair that you make so much money, so I'm taking some of it away."

    And isn't it funny that the media has no problem with Obama's punish-the-rich philosophy, but immediately set out to expose "Joe the Plumber" as a greedy bassttard (sic) for wanting to pursue the American dream unencumbered by government? And did anyone else have a problem with Obama's "oh, he's just a plumber...who ever heard of a plumber making 250K a year?" condescending nose-in-the-air attitude the day after the debates? We are truly a FUBAR nation if we put that a--hole in the White House.
  2. Chip82

    Chip82 Founding Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    McCain is leading in the polls among men just about everywhere.

    But women, in general, appear to be a little bit slower to catch on.

    Women tend to look at someone new as being 100% perfect and then whittle away at their perspective until they see the same guy in a more flawed way. The media has had a big hand to play in the preservation of the image of Obama as women see him. In reality, he is a pimp who is using women in the worst possible way.

    Most men size up a person from about 75% and go either way.

    The biggest con in this whole situation is the acceptance of taking Obama at his word about his involvement in Chicago Machine Politics. There is no way in H''' that Obama didn't know exactly who moved what and exactly who he was dealing with.

    In reality, Obama knew exactly who the movers and shakers were and actively sought them out!!

    Attending Trinity was a calculated political move.
    Getting to know Ayers was a calculated political move.
    Getting to know Jerry "the Iceman" Butler was a calculated political move.

    And why does Jesse Jackson really have a problem with Obama?
    Shades of strongarm militancy right in Jesse Jackson Jrs'. district.

    I agree... this nation is lost if we actually vote this, "Rubber Stamp of Far Left Liberalism/Socialism," into office.

    The damages he will cause will be incredible!
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    My statement was 100% correct, professor. The top federal tax rate for corporations is 35%.

    Try reading my posts, then, I've been very clear. I'm not particularly enamored of Obama. But I'm damn sure not putting the Republicans back in charge of the mess they created.

    Your suggestion that I haven't worked for a corporation or run a business is based on ignorance. Your notion that this makes someone an expert on the economy is ridiculous, of course. I assume you also got an education somewhere along the line?

    Don't ever try to put words in my mouth, chief. I've stated my positions and given my reasons. I've never advocated socialism and I own very good health insurance, more than one policy, in fact. If you have no logical arguments and must resort to a lame attempt to discredit me, then you've lost the debate. I must also add you to the list of people who apparently don't own a dictionary and don't have a friggin' clue about what socialism actually is.

    Oh, sure YOU know the answer. I should have guessed. Look, we hold an elected official to the promises he makes. See what happened to Bush 41 when he broke his "read my lips" pledge. Obama is no fool. He will be held to his campaign promises or he will suffer in the next election. That is always the way it has been.

    The notion that we can spend like crazy and just borrow the money from China and Saudi Arbaia is a Neo-con Republican policy that is responsible for our huge National Debt. I expect some balanced spending bills to be proposed by Congress. I think spending must be cut. But we can't wish out way out of the debt. We have to pay for it somehow, sometime. To think anything else is to live in a dream world.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I don't and have never suggested that. I'm an EXXON stockholder, in fact. What I'm asking is why they should be entitled to $1.2 Billion in tax breaks. They are making huge profits, paying their shareholders, and are a successful business if there ever was one. Why give them tax breaks over what the law presecribes? THAT is what I'm objecting to.

    Meanwhile tax incentives for wind and solar power has been reduced, just at the point that we really need for those fields to take off. Our biggest wind power company just built its new wind turbine factory in Europe instead of Ohio because they lost their tax incentives here.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Then why, every summer when gasoline prices go up and every winter, when heating oil goes up, the industry claims that lack of adequate refining capacity is the problem creating the scarcity. They've had time to fix this if it was really what was creating scarcity.
  6. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    seriously, red. time to give up. those you are arguing with arent stupid, just blind. and even those that do see your point will not admit to its validity (the worst part of america). its time to move on and get ready to defend the policies of the upcoming more wise and more liberal administration---because the non-stop barrage is coming regardless of the policies.
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    We're blind? That's rich. Obama groupies totally ignore his radical associations, his lack of executive experience, his socialistic economic policies, his trillion dollar spending plans, his ignorance of the complexities of dealing with despots and his ignorance of the harm from prematurely abandoning Iraq.

    We'll derive little satisfaction from our "I told you so's".
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That's not what he said. Not even paraphrased.
  9. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Do a little research. The "Not In My Backyard" syndrome applies to a lot more than just drilling. The Obama supporters in the Scotlandville Area give the Baton Rouge area EXXON facilities so much grief that it is no longer worth the hassle to build domestic refining capacity.
  10. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Please elaborate on how you believe the liberal Democrats will cut spending? What precedent has been set by either the liberal Congress or Obama to make you believe this is so?

    I agree. I just don't believe that Obama is running on this platform. He is running on the "Gimme" platform.

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