8565...You could subtract 2 from the first number, and then add it to the 2nd and 4th number and come up with 6666...But that'd be off...I'd just still be annoying as hell to little B(utt)B(oy)...
Absolutely, he speaks so well. He's here defending a player who was charged with a felony and kicked off the team during the season. Wait a few weeks and he will be on here degrading basketball players and his "benefit of the doubt" routine will be out the window...
Larry Foster did something in an attempt to protect his family...No matter the mistake he made, the mistake you castigate him for-which I agree is wrong-was in its essence a mistake he made to try to protect his family... I fail to see what Paul Wolfert or Brett Nelson did to threaten Lloreda's family... I fail to see what JueMichael Young's girlfriend did to threaten his family... Please, clue me in as to how trying to keep someone from - for all you know - ruining your life equates to striking a team mate in practice or striking your girlfriend or assaulting a woman sexually... Trying to get some pictures from a woman to protect your marriage, or biatch slapping your woman in a dorm room...Trying to protect your kids from a mistake you made, or exposing your penis and rubbing it on a booster's daughter after forcing your way into her apartment... Trying to protect your happiness and your family, or acting like a complete thug on the court or field of play... Your bile and hatred for me are unending, and it goes so deep, you ignore the very honest and good questions I continually bring up on this subject...You try to debate whether Larry Foster is on par with JueMichael Young-a CONVICTED WOMAN BEATER, or Jaime Lloreda-AN ADMITTED TEAMMATE ASSAULTER... A person charged with a felony, who later had charges dropped, for trying to take pictures out of a woman's purse....or a guy who beat his girlfriend, a guy who sexually assaulted women, or a guy who beat up and elbowed and broke the jaws of teammates and opponents... Apples and Oranges if you ask me...and you're totally fricking nuts, while we're on the subject of fruits!
The beauty of this forum is that we can scroll back and see where this all began. All I said about Larry Foster was that he got into trouble and was kicked off the team - my point was that his departure from LSU hurt the team and the offense. This began as a discussion about Dinardo's decline and the fact that he had Collins and Foster get into trouble (for whatever reason and to whatever extent). I have also stated that I completely appreciate the situation Foster found himself in and I understand that desperate men often do desperate things. My original point was that Foster's departure changed that offense and things went downhill. Foster is three times the man Lloreda will ever be - that has nothing to do with the price of tea in China and I never drew that comparison... As for my "bile and hatred" for you, that has zero to do with Larry Foster or anyone else. You're a snob and a complete prick - I look forward to running into you at some point...
I can tell you that there have been HUNDREDS, if not thousands, of Tiger fans who read these sites who probably agree with you on the first part of this statement I quoted. Sometimes, I agree with it myself. You would be wrong to think that, though. Plenty of people on "that other site" thought the same way, and came away p!ssed after meeting me, but for a totally different reason. I'm one of the more likeable people you'll ever meet in person. Pretty quiet, unless the subject is something I'm interested in. Good natured, really monotone sounding. I like listening as opposed to talking. They were all floored that some prick who spouted off as I did on the site would be so low-key and affable in real life. I can remember one person-a member of the Krewe of Ragoo-who said, "Man, I figured you for some 70 year old crotchety man. How'd you get so nice? I was TOTALLY wrong about you." I get that a lot from people who meet me from Tigerforums or from elsewhere in the past. You are getting "Tiger Educated" confused with Gary. I am not TE. What I type here is. If you-as a man, a human being, and an LSU fan-would seriously consider something like the connotation of the 2nd half of your comment would cause most logical people to insinuate (since you're evidently really good at being ambiguous for some reason), you have larger issues than your dislike for me. That the comments, opinions, and hypotheses I venture forth here can bring you to the point where you'd even type on this forum about something to the effect of "wanting to beat me up" or something to that effect, you have maturity issues, as well as anger management ones. Or perhaps the jokes about your wife and your own inadequacies have hit to close to home. ;-) Perhaps its just because I have a flair for the antagonistic in my writing and debating style by nature (Like the comment in that last paragraph), and you seem to try to hit me and my posts like a proverbial tar baby each and every time, only to allow me to respond in kind and get you spiraling ever higher in your anger. Perhaps I should have neither the time, nor the inclination, to point out your obvious mental issues that need dealing with. Perhaps its just the "car wreck" mentality in me that so many of us deal with-wanting to slow down to see the crash, its results, or really....wanting to see the gore-that leads me to point out the utter stupidity and serious mental deficiencies requried to fuel a comment like the one I quoted. You're a 100%, certifiable wack job, man...You want to get physical because of something I've written on the internet? You have-officially and unequivocally-lost it. In the famous words of the character "Wayne" played by Mike Myers in the film "Wayne's World", "Are you mental? GET THE NET!"
Uh, once again, you make little sense. I'm not 17 years old, buddy. I don't want to "get physical" by any stretch of the imagination. To be clear, I simply wanted to say that there is absolutely no way in the world that you are the arrogant prick in real life that you are on this forum - there is no way that you treat people that poorly in your everyday life...
exactly. you'd get your ass kicked in real life at the expense of acting an ass all the time. You just can't get away with it. of course you're nicer in real life. you can't hide like the usual online prick. real men are pricks in real life as well. I'm not taking a side just stating the obvious. however, i see nothing unhealthy with wanting to kick someone's ass after reading their posts. I think its pretty normal regardless your maturity. fighting is kinda fun anyhow. I'd like to kick Rex's ass even though it'd be like booing at the special olympics. I still wanna do it.