Joe Biden Vs Paul Ryan : Debate

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Is anyone here going to vote for Biden? For Ryan? Is anyone going to vote for their presidential choice based on either of these two guys? Is this even an important night in this election?
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    In this case probably not. All Ryan had to do is prove that he was not crazy or totaly incompetant. Last time Sarah Palin's performance killed whatever chance McCain had.
  3. GregLSU


    If you consider the possibility that something could happen to either Romney or Obama while being Pres. then it would be smart to decide which of these two guys you'd rather have take the others place. Some will make their choice based on the running mate as much as their presidential preference.
  4. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    I felt the results of the debate could go either way. A lot will depend on how Biden's performance is seen by the public. Ryan managed to keep his composure despite plenty of provocations by Biden who seemed determine to cause Ryan to lose his cool. Biden was aggressive, often putting Ryan on the defensive with facts and figures, many of which were wrong or misleading. But Ryan rarely fought back with his own facts and figures, and relied mostly on campaign talking points. Biden made numerous glaring errors but Ryan rarely called him on them. Biden may have seriously hurt his chances by being aggressive to the point of being rude and bombastic. He kept interrupting Ryan, making it difficult for him to respond. The moderator should have cautioned Biden against this, but never did. Ryan, to his credit, did once. Biden's smiles and smirks made him appear sarcastic and something of a smart-aleck. And apparently Biden's mother never told him it was not polite to point. He was constantly pointing his finger not just at Ryan, but at the moderator as well. Very rude. Because of his constant interruptions, Biden may have taken up more than his share of the 90-mnute debate. This debate could end up being much like the Kennedy-Nixon debates. Anyone listening to the radio walked away with the feeling that Nixon won. But the TV camera made Nixon look tired, unshaven and sweaty. Kennedy won the debate. Anyone listening to the debate on radio tonight may walk away with the feeling that Biden won. But his antics may have cost him the debate with the TV audience. I really do not expect tonight's debate to change the momentum of the campaign back to Obama. Biden had to hit a home run to make that happen, which he failed to do. Ryan just had to look good, which he did. But if the debate does change the momentum back toward Obama, it will be a first for VP debates.
    LSUDad likes this.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    I'd much rather have Biden as Prez than that dirt bag sack of lying shit Paul Ryan. I know all these politicians lie, but Ryan can't speak without lies running down his chin like a gay bukakke tube.
  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    I thought both sounded awful on foreign policy, and that Ryan sounded better on fiscal policy. I'd call this one a draw.
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    the most useful term for those folks is "morons"
  8. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    I think it's sad that we live in such a great country founded on such good ideas and today we aren't discussing which candidate would be more awesome and how we couldn't lose either way! Instead of having the top businessmen/leaders in our country fighting to be President and V.P. we have these clowns falling all over themselves. Neither one of these guys were inspiring and I'll never understand how Ryan sat there while that classless douche Biden kept laughing and interrupting him at every chance. I mean you are running for Vice President of the most powerful country (for now) in the world, show some class and respect. Ryan sat there and took it, but maybe he was just letting Biden do his thing to embarrass himself, I don't know but show some backbone and call him out on it at least. I would have wanted to scratch his face off.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    also of note is thta ryan chastised the adminstration for the response to the syria stuff. called them out for mentioning the youtube vid so many times. well done, senor ryan.
  10. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    No one cares about vp debates. Nor should they. What are you going to do vote for the backup in case the 2nd best president dies. If that's how you vote so to speak.

    Anyone thinking this matters seem to be anxious after Obama fell apart. Neither debate likely matters in the end.

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