Joe Biden Vs Paul Ryan : Debate

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Biden is an accomplished politician and it showed tonight. Classic populist rhetoric. Gave red meat to the base which is sorely needed.

    However he came across as smarmy, rude and petulant. That won't help the narrow group of independents who are soured on politics to begin with.

    Ryan doesn't know how to fight and thinks policy details matter to most people which it doesn't. He came across as controlled and calm which is what he needed to do.

    Debate was a draw and will have little effect.

    The next debate will be interesting. Obama knows he got schooled the last debate and will come out fighting. Definitely be interesting.
    KyleK likes this.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    so Romney wasnt rude last week and interrupting?
  3. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    This debate will shift the polls zilch. Just created talking points for next week.
  4. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    LOL... when my candidates gets to debate with your assholes then you can chew me up.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    i think you are wrong, I think it will move the polls some.
  6. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Romney's style and Biden's aren't even close. There is degree and style. Biden used a sledgehammer and Romney used a scalpel.

    You also have to take the eye rolling, cheesy politician smile, grunts and condescending attitude into account.

    Dems like their guy. Repubs like theirs. It's the middle that needs swaying and the web is lit up talking about Biden's rude behavior.
  7. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    If it does it will be for Romney. The people that are still undecided are put off by politicians like Biden.
  8. lsxtigers

    lsxtigers Founding Member

    The womens rights and religion I think would sway the most.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    i think I have a different internet, the right is talking about that. but thats crying for a guy who lost in my opinion. If they think Ryan run then lead with confidence, dont cry about style.
  10. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    You may be right. Ryan took some unpopular stands on abortion and foriegn policy. I dont think it was anything new. Biden's smirky smugness was very annoying to me.

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