And the fact that jobs aren't created in congress. They are created by a free enterprise economy that isn't being choked by washington.
What is a "jobs bill"? You understand that production drives an economy not consumption? The economy would boom if the government would just get out of the way. It's government meddling and social engineering that ****s everything up. But as long as you have lazy ass victims with the right to vote, you'll always have scumbag politicians willing to pander to them.
This line of cat sizt coming from someone that supports wasting time on gay history and supports funding a business that does abortion and couldn't keep the lights on without government paying them. Democrats bread and butter is social programs and social engineering that relies on promoting class warfare and communist revolution like speach putting the workers aginst the evil corporations. The workers rights and take back the money the rich has stollen from us. Get a rope and hang the evil rich landowners! Democrats stay in power by stirring up racial unrest and class warfare.
1) There is no such thing as a free enterprise economy. 2) What you define as a free enterprise economy is exactly why we have the economic issues in America today. Unchecked greed and creative (unethical) financial practices led to a crisis that almost put the entire world in a depression. Yet, all people want to do are end the social programs that have kept this country's citizens afloat right when they need it most. Meanwhile the people most responsible for the current economic atmosphere are largely unaffected. Even better, they have poor people lobbying for them on their behalf.
It was congress forcing loaning of money to low income families so that "everyone has a right to the American dream, to own a home" that was the reason the whole thing got started.
The govt. was the problem along with the people. The Fed should have never made interest rates so low, the govt. should have never pushed the mortgage companies to make sure every American has a home, and the public should have known not to buy million dollar homes if they only make $50k a year. Not to mention the bailouts should have never occurred. These are all regulation and govt. created problems. Social programs are the crutch to keep the people at bay and voting for larger government and more problems.
This thread is about jobs, but since you want to go there. This Republican Recession Has Eliminated Almost Ten Years Of Job Growth Oh who am I kidding, you won't read that, you are too busy blaming socialist muslim terrorist antichrist blackie mcblackerson president for all your woes.