JJ's plea to the fans...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Fishhead, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. LSU_4_LIFE

    LSU_4_LIFE Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    Its always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

    But I agree - NO BOOING!!

    Save that sh!t for the pro's.....these are student athletes!
  2. LSU_4_LIFE

    LSU_4_LIFE Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    No Doubt!

    And I hope he knows that! We would much rather see a more aggressive & accurate JJ than an improved JL.

    Going back and watching the Vandy game again, he made few plays with his legs and arm that keep me motivated just enough, to rather see him improve and lead this team, than to just hope J-lee has improved & call his number.

    One more Game!

    He wants it, hes got it! Lets support him!
  3. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    I know that many of the boos that are heard are directed at the coach's decision, not necessarily the player. But we all know it makes the players feel like **** regardless.

    This happens year after year. We make pleas for no boos yet it always happens. Hopefully JJ lights it up and keeps growing as a QB.
  4. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    little harsh, don't you think? this is a young man from rural south louisiana who now has microphones shoved in his face.

    he's not media savvy (add that to the long list of miles' shortcomings if you must, but then again, if clm is your example....)

    the point being this: relax a little bit and understand it for what it is.

    seems to be a little unfair
  5. pharpe

    pharpe Founding Member

    Jun 6, 2002
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    While I don't think the statement should have come from him, I agree with the sentiments. Unless you don't think he is putting in 100% effort what else can you ask of him? If he's not the man to lead the team fine put in Lee. But while he's on the field he should get our support.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    My advice for fans:

    Never boo a player. It will not make him play harder, it will only humiliate him, make him angry and a careless athlete. Worse, we have recruits at these games and they don't like crowds that boo players. A major recruit broke a commitment at Tennessee last year over fan booing at a game he attended. Booing the coach doesn't make players or recruits happy either.

    My advice for players:

    Assume the boos are for the coaches, not for you personally. Most of them are. The rest are mostly people who are just frustrated and blowing off steam at the situation. All the fans can do is cheer and boo. But you, as a player, can affect the game. So don't let it get inside your head.

    The same fans that are booing will be cheering their lungs out when you do well. When you take a position as an athlete at a big university you get to stand on the hallowed turf and get the accolades of thousands when you do well. You have to be man enough to take the catcalls when you do badly. All shiny coins have a flip side.
    2 people like this.
  7. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Thankths, Granny Lou!!

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  8. LSU_4_LIFE

    LSU_4_LIFE Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    I'm not being un-fair, I understand he was an 18 year old kid being interviewed by ESPN, that sh!t is awesome. Just noting that he has a bad track record in front of microphones, so I wouldn’t put too much stock into what he told the press Monday.

    Basically what I mean is, I think he freezes up and doesn’t really get out of his mouth what he is truly feeling.

    Kid doesn’t know how to speak publicly, perfectly normal, its not for everybody.

    No JJ bash intended!!
  9. LSU_4_LIFE

    LSU_4_LIFE Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    I agree!
  10. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Either way, booing the team or coaches, recruits get an up close and personal view of how unhappy fans are with the product. The fact it's maifested itself for a while, I could see it effecting the fence sitting recruits trying to make a difficult desicion.

    Never been a QB coach, but I do live in Alabama. JJ greatest asset, he is tough. JL is coming, whatever that means.

    I miss my Bama flag icon.

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