Jindal Scores Saints tickets

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Krypto, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Totally disagree. If we're going to play the business trip card for both guys, let's not forget that Nagin's successor will have been elected the day before the game. He couldn't be any more lame duck if he cut a leg off. At least Jindal has two more years on the job to cultivate contacts made this weekend.

    Having said that, you're right; its playtime, and they should both pay their own freight.
  2. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    Ah yes. I forgot that the the NO Mayoral election is this weekend. Getting that Chocolate ******* out of office can't come soon enough.
  3. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Was reading the headline:
    New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin headed to Super Bowl XLIV on taxpayers' dime

    Ya, sounds horrible, but like the article explained: "It's a legitimate business trip for the mayor of New Orleans to represent the city at an event like this," Nagin said of Sunday's Super Bowl. "It's not a significant amount of money. It's something that has been done in the past"

    It's like the USA sending the President to big events or the Catholic Church sending the Pope to big events.

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