Love it! It's wonderful and will be great for Louisiana. The party who ran the state in the ground for the past century won't like it though. They love to talk about equality and fairness until it comes time for EVERYONE to contribute. Opponents who aren't productive citizens and don't currently contribute are free to relocate to CA, NV, MI, or any New England state. They own you anyway so you might as well live with them.
This will not end well for Louisiana. It will likely make Jindal a GOP Presidential candidate in 2016.
Regressive my ass. People talk about fair this and fair that. What they really mean is stick to the rich people because we don't want to pay. Now is the time to put up or shut up.
What self pity? I'm not poor. I just don't loath those who are or carry water for the selfish mulit-millionaires.
I will wait on the details efore I pass judgement. Our retail sales tax couldn't possibly be much higher without causing enormous pain for the poor. If it is largely a property tax increase, then it may work out better for most.
And who puckers up to the rich? You have a notion that all multi-millionaires are selfish. They pay their taxes. Unlike others.
You. This Jindal scheme will allow them to pay even less taxes than they do now. While middle class taxes will rise.