I never said that, I am still waiting on this guy to make some sense. We will get out of this recession and tax cuts wont be the answer.
About this topic: I always find this kind of thing interesting once the shoe is on the other foot. Some of the same people calling out those who want Obama to fail wanted Bush to fail. Many anti-Bush people wanted the war in Iraq to fail including politicians who called him Hitler some even accused the US Military of murder. I'm not necessarily talking about this forum either.
Honestly this is what ALL politicians do these days! I honestly don't think there is a politician in power today that is looking out for the country! This is one reason I am so cynical, I don't trust politicians period, on the right or the left. Edit:Now that I re-read your post. We need more politicians caring about the country and not just their state or themselves. The ones that only care about their state has helped contribute to the problem of failing, overbloated government we now have.
Vague promises are cheap in the face of recent actions. Billions? Got a source for that? He's not trying to save the state government any money, he's trying to save state businesses some money. The rest of the country realizes that business must pay more just like the rest of us, as time goes on. The rating that has dropped from 77% to 59%?
I am a moderate and a registered independent and I voted for Jindal, but that doesn't mean I have to support his policies that are hard-core Republican. I elected him to be smart, not to be an ideologue.
Well if you keep watching the Obama administration over the next 4 years you will see some more and matter of fact you might even see some drama included! Btw the word is written I'm!:lol: