Still waiting......................................:huh: for you to say something that makes sense or halfway intellegent.
red, mastermind do you guys watch bill maher? dude has been lighting jindal up for weeks, even said and i quote "i had no idea how deep the douchebag bench for the republican party was" among other things, he has done something on jindal every week since he made speech after obama. pretty funny stuff.
Not at all. My point is, the economy is such a huge issue that if it fails, and by fail I mean can't avoid a great depression, then Obama will be considered a failure. Would you agree with that? sounds like a very reputable site. Nonetheless, I will check it out.
So you think if the economy falls into a depression or deep recession over the next four years that obama's presidency can be considered a success? No one is saying that is going to happen. In fact, I'd be shocked if it did. Obama will get us out of this, I'm certain of it. The only question is at what cost.
I told you to read the site. Plenty of examples there. For example healthcare:
He has also introduced plans to ensure higher education and healthcare do not take hits in future budget crunches. Yeah he turned down money that will save the state billions over the long haul. What a buffoon. His approval rating and 12 million dollar war chest say otherwise.
I don't watch Maher much either. He has about one great joke per show, but the rest falls below the entertainment line for me. Like Limbaugh, he bores me very quickly.