LA Politics Jindal and Common Core

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUMASTERMIND, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    This is increasingly true in my district. In high school, many assignments are turned in online, etc. However, the demographics in our district have changed some as well. There are a number of economically disadvantaged kids, and devices are expensive.

    For years, the district has given old desktop computers away to poor families, but the problem is that many of them don't have internet service, so the computers are basically only word processors at best in that scenario.
  2. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    This was true when I had to actually study something, as well. For technical material, I did and still do need quiet and solitude.

    For creative ventures, I love to listen to music, and fortunately, much of my curriculum allows for creative work--art, if you will.
  3. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I have always thought that any casino game other than blackjack was a suckers game but is there really a winning method or strategy to craps? I have heard some people who say there is. I've never played craps in a casino. Only one time when I was at a guy's house and he wanted to shoot some craps to kill time. We played for quarters so I figured "What the hell, at best or worse I could win or lose a couple of bucks." Two guys throwing the same dice you would think the odds are it will be pretty even after a while, sort of like flipping a coin. In almost no time at all I was down by $10! Come On! Playing for quarters if we threw 100 times between us he would have to win 40 times more than I did. Like I win 30 times and he wins 70. We were both using the same dice and I don't think they were loaded and I couldn't see where he was cheating if he was.
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    The short answer is no. The house will always win eventually. There are methods to playing craps or betting strategies if you will. They have always worked for me and while I have never killed them, if have never been bent over the table either. The best I have ever done is on a cruise with the family after my return from OIF 1. I won enough in 3 days to pay for the cruise. Many trips to vegas and the worst I've done is broke even a few times, loss idk, 150 or so but many many nights walked away plus 300-500. You also have to figure in the booze you drink in vegas (comped of course) and the grand ol time that is a hoping craps table. There is no place more fun to be in a casino unless you are with one of them high priced call girls.
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I've done OK at blackjack but I don't play big enough to win really big. If I plan to play for a good while I won't drink. Blackjack is a game where you have to be sharp all the time and you can't let your guard down. That's OK at the Baton Rouge casinos because they are not really a fun experience. I call them Trailer Park Vegas. In Vegas I am there to have a good time. If I was as good as those MIT students in that movie I would play and just consider it my very well paying job.

    Anybody will tell you that the slots are the ultimate suckers game. That's generally true but I have done pretty well at the one armed bandits. Not so well that I'm ahead of the game but I've had some good hits. If you go to the same casino often and get to know some of the machines you can get an idea of which ones are the best to play and even have a good idea of when they might give up a jackpot and about how much you will have to put in before it does.

    I know a guy who started going almost every night when the casinos were new in Baton Rouge. He wouldn't bring more than $200 or $300 with him but he would ofter win thousands. I saw him hit for $12,000 on a $5 machine and another time there were 3 machines next to each other that all had a jackpot of $1145 because anything over $1200 they took taxes out. He hit the $1145 jackpot on all 3 machines within an hour. He showed me the W2s they give when you win big enough where they take the taxes out. He had over $90,000 for a one year period. All of this at the two casinos they had at the time in Baton Rouge.
  6. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Agree with @shane0911, the craps table is the best time in the casino. I always watch a table for a few minutes before getting into the game; just superstitious, but it seems like you can get a feel if the table is hot or not, and if its hot, it will usually stay that way for awhile. If I do play, I like to keep the inside covered. That's the 5,6,8 and 9. And btw, I've heard it said that the only true odds in a casino are paid at the dice table. After your point is set, you have the opportunity to double down the bet. That double down pays the true odds you have of successfully throwing the point. Any other bet, the odds paid are a little less than true odds; that's how the casino beats you even if you're winning.
  7. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    You can damn near get Craps to a 50/50 proposition if you have very high table odds that you take full advantage of. The bet "behind the line" has no casino edge and there is no other bet in the house with this "advantage". Unless of course you are card counting. Unlike card counting, you can go to casino royale in vegas or any other place with 100x or even 1000x odds and bet to your hearts content with virtually no casino edge.

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