LA Politics Jindal and Common Core

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUMASTERMIND, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Many of them, I fear.

    There is no one-size-fits all, that is going to be a problem with any set of standards. For the sake or argument, say CORE is dropped everywhere. Assuming you agree with higher standards, what do you offer instead?

    That answer is obvious, but but the issue is whether a parent is willing to accept changes from the way they learned it. Education evolves like everything else. Sometimes efforts are successful, sometimes they are disappointing, I'm advocating that change is the only way to keep advancing. New Math was very good to late Boomers, but newer concepts must be considered.

    Well any strong-arming by Gates to favor sales of Windows products is bullshit and should not be tolerated, but procurement is not part of the academic standards. It is important that children be trained to use computers and iPads in this day and age. In the fourth grade, I was issued two #2 pencils and a Big Chief pad from the school system. Today, a tablet or a laptop is not absurd. People like Gates and Apple should consider donating millions of them. It helps their sales in the long run and the schools get a break.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Abbott And Costello 13 X 7 is 28:
    HalloweenRun and red55 like this.
  3. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Damn, Shane, you broke the code of CCSS.
  4. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    The introduction and implementation of Common Core ranks up there with the Invasion of Iraq and implementation of Obamacare as the worst events in history.

    However, parents need to realize that perfecting math skills in the 2nd grade is not the end game.

    Some of the seemingly silly or tedious methods, on simple problems are just teaching "to think mathematically" and problem solving strategies. But when the same techniques are applied to more advanced problems, solving the problems is more natural (easier). It seems like so many people are saying "it is not the way that I did it" or "I don't understand it." Well, without offense, that might be the speakers problem and not that of CCSS.

    The difficulty that I face in the 8th grade, is that the children, with just a year or two of common core problem solving under their belt, are grossly ill equipped for the "common core type" problems thrown at them in the 8th grade level. This is solely a result of negligence in implementation.

    CCSS is about problem solving, not about getting the correct answer by memorization, or tricks. Memorization is rapidly overwhelmed in the real world, or in advanced math, whereas a good foundation in how to think about math and solve math problems is the key.

    The answer, therefore is for the Ivory Tower Education Types (those that can, do, those that can't, teach, those that can't teach get to be in charge!) to admit they fouled up, and re-implement CCSS in a sane, rational manner. The input of credible classroom teachers would probably make for a better implementation, but that is not gonna happen.

    The fact that the Obama administration linked CCSS to "Race to the Top Dollars" is also one of the greatest strategic blunders in the history of universe. That was not just "another brick in the wall," but the Great Wall of China, on steroids!
    mctiger and red55 like this.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    This is a very negative view of teachers. You end with the caveat about you encouraging the ones you find great but I think, all in all, teachers are primarily motivated by the desire to teach and see children learn. They are driven by something other than the almighty dollar. I am certain there are teachers who are, as you describe them, outdated and who need to move along; you'll find that in any profession. That said, I find that the vast majority of teachers are pure in their intentions.
    StaceyO and LSUMASTERMIND like this.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Which is why teachers will never be paid what they are truly worth. You are right though, every job has their 10%
    Tiger in NC likes this.
  7. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    It's the view I have formed over the last 7 years and when teachers can count on job protection via tenure, it's entirely predictable. Every year, the day before school (elementary) starts, they post the room assignments and parents gather to see who their child will be spending the year with. We all know who is in for a shit year and who will have a great one.

    And strangely enough I think the almighty dollar isn't what's driving them per se. Just getting to a paycheck and a pension are different than that precisely because they are asked to do so much and for not enough pay. Then to make matters worse, a partial to significant amount of their income is put up for discussion so to speak, by way of test scores and grade improvements. If your district and school don't perform, then you don't get federal dollars, and you face an inadequate classroom or spending your own money on supplies! We need to stop using bonuses, financial rewards, tenure, ties to federal funding. Teacher pensions need an overhaul, like so many of the other public employee sectors. (For instance, the DWP who just allowed a major flood due to 100 year-old pipes pays it's workers an average of $110K and that's weighted for pension). Teachers should make a salary that's appropriate to their function and remove all the barriers that get them focused on things other than teaching kids. We are so far from that, it's sad.

    So basically I think the behavior I described is completely predictable and understandable based on the circumstances. What I really hate to see is a young, motivated, fresh-faced teacher who comes in, hits a home-run with the kids, and then gets a pink slip the following spring in favor of a 35-year tenured teacher who just about eats kids for lunch. Principals should have the ability to hire and fire based on what they see, hear, and observe and not be afraid of a lawsuit or a teacher hanging around on paid leave for 10 years.
  8. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    And this is where the implementation was a massive fail. There was no effort to include, teach, provide direction to parents who have to support the student at home. When it got rolled out here, I don't know one parent who was informed or aware or prepared. Most of us sat in groups and talked about what we needed to do to help our kids and for those who can afford it, tutors are huge at this point.

    So daughter is entering 8th grade. English is not a problem, it's a snap for her. She gets A's in math (she took pre-Algebra last year) but she struggles and really doesn't like it. This last year we had the best teacher ever and it made a huge difference. Do you have any advice about how to approach this particular grade? What could I be doing to help her?

    Yes. There are times when the answer is wrong but the process is right and they get credit or vice versa.

    Agreed. Too many uber smarties wrote it, dumbass administrators tried to implement, politicians have effed it all up. And now teachers, parents, and kids have to deal with it.
  9. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Nice explanation and I can't say that I disagree with too much here. I hate to hear what you are saying about certain teachers in your school system. Fortunately we haven't had that same kind of thing in our local district. NC teachers are among the least compensated in the country. The governor and legislature voted to give the youngest teachers a pay raise and paid for it by eliminating our tax free weekend. I was actually in favor of the measure. The tax free holiday is a savings of 6.75%......big whoop......teachers help to shape the lense through which our children see the world and we cannot pay the good ones what they are worth. What you say is true about the system embittering teachers. I guess it happens to even the ones who perhaps started out with enthusiasm and a positive outlook.
  10. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Sounds like a principal problem imo. I don't know about in California but in Louisiana, tenure does not protect teachers. ANY principal who has the intestinal fortitude to document and reprimand can build a case and recommend not re-hiring. Problem then comes with board members/politics. With all the small communities in Louisiana, many admins apparently have a hard time letting go teachers that they'll run in to at the local Wal Mart.

    Other than unlawful conduct, teachers in Louisiana can be dismissed for: 1/ Insubordination 2/ Willful Neglect of Duty 3/ Incompetence. Tenure only affords them due process, which includes a right to a hearing- which FEW take up. Solid documentation of any of the above (which must be made available to teachers as it occurs) and an "Intensive assistance" plan which is a cooperative plan to correct pedagogy related issues, and they'll get the boot (no pun).

    What happens more times than not is a principal will make a teacher miserable to the point that they'll leave. Such things as moving them from teaching 4th grade to a 1st grade, etc. Though many think this is easier, the scale tips in favor of the teachers because things like harassment, etc. can come into play. Also, no matter how "bad" a teacher is, colleagues tend to gravitate towards victims in such instances. They'll feel sorry for the teacher and turn on the principal.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    Tiger in NC and red55 like this.

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