No chance. She made too big of an impact on Conservatives. Liberals can mock her all they want, but it merely shows their own hypocrisy. The left didn't attack her because of her "lack of experience, or the majority of her conservative values. They went after her for daring to be a woman against abortion. Pure and simple. Look at the passes given to Obama and Biden for similar shortcomings and it becomes quite clear. I would imagine she will be a national player in the republican party for some time.
If they did that how would they have been able to defend Obama's lack of experience. AND out of all the people standing up there she is the ONLY person to hold an office where it comes done to her and her alone. Obama, Mcain and Biden were all in positions of debate and compromise. A Governor has the same rules that a president has just on a lesser scale!
Ultimately the negatives of repubs and the economic plunge is what allowed all that to be ignored. But you can't ignore how masterful a campaign the dems ran in comparison to the repubs. Combined, it was really inconceivable that they lose this year, even without the person many believed to be their best candidate(Hillary).
She's not going to be a major national political player again. But you can bet the farm that she's going to be the star of a political talk show or even the Republican Oprah. She can parley this fame into a fortune on television. They are falling all over each other to sign her.
I apologize. I didnt mean you wont literally hear from her. You'll definitely hear from her because she is sort of a mini rock star, but politically she wont win anything. edit: red said what i was saying.
I suppose there is a big push for the type of career you envision, but I disagree that she has no political future. I will be surprised if she bows out of national politics. As with most things, time will tell. Wonder if Tina Fey will ever work with her? :grin: