well I think we can all agree that post deserved it. it doesnt take a million posts to recognize that.:hihi:
You will find much contention that this particular post merits opprobrium. That a random concurrence on a message board begets joyfulness in confirming your transcendence precipitates inquiry to your degree of probity. It is comme iL faut to discuss matters of consequence, and as your disquisition is vacuous, be also apprised that your performance as a grammarian is akin to a whited sepulcher. The initial letter in a sentence is capitalized. Engaging in prescriptivism necessitates cognizance of one's own inadequacies. :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis:
Sorry I did not know that we were going for exact grammar on here. My critique was that the post was unreadable, not that every single detail was correct according to MLA format. The period was just the most noticable and easy thing to fix.
Mocking someone just because you can is lame. Everyone understands the gist of the post, why the need to point out the obvious errors in construct? That type of conduct is mean spirited and adds nothing of value. Keep on topic and save the personal banter for those you have some history with.