Yep I remember the quite that fell on Shreveport when Michigan State played the Tigers. Fans could sense the greateness of Saban, even though Dinardo's team won. I guess that aura is over Phil Fulmer and Barry Switzer as well.
No one said he would be a great head coach, they are just discounting your abilities in predicting whether or not he would be one based on his aura. Like Tirk said, have you ever met a guy and proclaimed him to be a great head coaching candidate before he became a great head coach, what is your track record. I've met and been around several guys who are thought to have been great head coaches, some have a great personality that dominates a room while others are just like an average Joe when they aren't on the job. I saw Curly work a room once and was amazed at how the people responded to him, how he was in total control of the situation, so relaxed and at ease with everyone, played golf with him and thought to myself, man this guy is really cool, LSU has hired a good one. Well we know what happened after that. And it's easy to predict that Jimbo won't be a "Great" coach. It's just like the guys that predict that Smoke will never win the CWS. When you are guessing with the oods, it's easy to make that prediction and then have it come true. There are so few "great" coaches that come along anybody could say that a coach wasn't going to be one of the best ever and be right 99.9% of the time. As a matter of fact, I will make the prediction that none of our frosh recruits are going to be in the college football Hall of Fame one day. That's basically saying the same thing, if one happens to make it no one will remember I said that. If they all have just very good careers but don't lead the country in their particular category and break tons of records then I can come back four years from now and say I told you so.
With all due respect, there was nothing great about Saban when we hired him, only great potential. And the "aura" from Saban's press conference the day he was hired left most of us asking the question: who is this guy and why are we paying $1.2 mil a year? Saban is just now growing into that greatness you are talking about. It's easy to say that Jimbo won't be great because the odds aren't in his favor ... there are very few great coaches in the world! But the reality is we won't know until he gets his chance ... just like his current boss!
Guys I like Saban and all but to put him on the same level with Bowden and Spurrier at this point in his carrier is jumping the gun a little. Yes they've all won one MNC, but Spurrier won 10 games or more 9 times. Bowden won 10 games plus 14 years in a row. I love Saban, and think he has the potential to be on that level but he isn't there yet. Flame away
yep longevity is something to account for and I think BB has has been in almost 20 bowl games but the ACC was a joke til now and Id like to see if he would be just another coach in the SEC if he had come. Maybe he would be along the lines of Fullmer I believe because his coaching in Championship games has been pretty bad where it shouldnt have come down to wide right so many times. Hes had great talent but only 2 NCs which Saban already has half. Give Saban that talent vs that opposition Id bet he would have double but conjecture is just that. Now, Spurrier's record is simply amazing considering the opposition in the SEC. He only has 1 NC I do think, which is the only knock on him. What other coach can alternate QBs every other play of every game on that level, sometimes using 3 just to show its his genius offense and not his players doing it. Seems to be what he wanted and still proved it. Both great coaches I agree....I'd say Saban is more of a 'football coach' while the other 2 are more program runners with SOS being offense coordinator.
A little perspective from a bit to the East of LSU... I don't know how widely known this is in your part of the world, but Tubberville and longevity don't go hand in hand. I'm not refering to Petrinogate here, either. TT has had some health problems over the last few years that come from some surgery complication dealing with his back and his neck. To say the least, he lives in a lot of pain and I truly feel for a man in his situation, the Bama and 'Barn thing cast aside. That being said, there is a ground swell "on the plains" that has Jimbo in their sites to take over when TT steps aside. By all indications, that could come as soon as the end of this season if not next. W/L's always figure into the picture at the 'Barn but that has nothing to do with TT's decision on his future. So, Fisher at Auburn? Don't be surprised. On the very same note you can put UT's Fulmer on the hot seat this season also. That heat, as much as some 'Bama fans would like to think, doesn't come from his involvement with the NCAA but from continually fielding average teams. (Consider top 5/10 recruiting seasons for several years and very average records...combined with embarassing losses in the Peach bowl two years running) What is very interesting about Fulmer and the *powers that be* at UT is who they have their sights set on and who their competition will be for this coach. Spurriors agents have kept contact with several schools over the past two in very close contact. In order, depending on the seasons results, Texas, Tennessee and North Carolina will all be after SOS next spring and SOS has expressed interest in all three positions. It's not secret Bunting will be released at the end of this season for the Tarheels. It's also no secret that the alumni in Austin aren't pleased with Brown's results on the field. (see the Fulmer comments above for the reasons) Quite frankly, Austin is the perfect spot for SOS to return to the NCAA for several reasons: climate re: golf, money re: endowments, and talent pool from Texas. HOWEVER, all that being said, even though SOS is very good coach I don't expect him to enjoy the success he had in the '90's.
Always good to hear your comments, Terry. We figured Jimbo didn't pass on State because he thought Nicks job would be open soon, but because Tubervilles job would be open. Interesting if Spurrier were to replace Fulmer. I'm sure Darth Visor would be interested in any of those three big schools, though. I'd rank them Texas, NC, and Tennessee in that order, if I were Spurrier.
Jimbo seems quite happy at LSU and is seeing his stock shoot through the roof so why leave unless a big time job comes? There really is only one job I could think he would leave for and that is Auburn is Tubby gets fired within 2-3 years. USC could open but Strong will take that, IMO.