Tillman's kid brother in a bad way today All Tillman's friends eulogized him in suits and with dignity (except Rome, who spent half his time talking about his own show!) - and the kid brother was clearly a mess appearing in a t-shirt, appearing tipsy, and cussing not once but several times, including saying into the microphone "and now he's f__king dead". Clearly and understandably shaken at the loss of the brother he loved so much - but the family had to be cringing. It was an otherwise heartwarming memorial observance and came across well on live television.
Yeah my remark was gonna be on the brother being what appeared to be lit up at the time....he must be taking it really hard and not coping well at all He definitely dropped the F bomb that one time, and who knows what else he may have said as the audio went out on his speech 2 different times....i thought for a while they were bleeping out what he was saying....but it was fading out and back in so I figured it had to be audio problems on ESPN's part....
Rome is definitely funny with the names he comes up with for people and different situations, places, etc. All time great classic is Chris Everett for Jim Everett. I think Chris Everett actually should have punched him in the mouth....lol
Audio of Rome getting b!tch slapped by Jim 'Chris' Everett. http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/therams79/sounds/americanbeauty01.wav
I think, perhaps, rome and tillman were buddies. both are from socal and rome has a habit of hanging with dudes like tillman. that's prob why rome was the MC. so, irrespective if you like the guy or not, you'll prob have a friend like romey (as he's known in CA), espousing your great influence on others while you lie dead in your casket