Jesus Rifles used to kill muslims

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Bengal B, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    My point is it's not their disapproval of our lifestyle but their disapproval of our foreign policy. And I don't blame them, we are a foreign power in their business. US foreign policy has been hijacked by the Israelis. My further point is that if it is going to end with mega tons then so be it but the Israelis are well equiped to defend themselves so let them fight their war, not us. Pull the US military out of the middle east and we fall off the terrorist radar immediately.

    Furthermore, if it was left up to the Israelis alone I think they would be more reasonable in their treatment of the Palestinians.

    And lastly, about the Iranian nuclear program....who is it that has determined the Israelis are the only nation in the Middle East who is allowed to have nuclear weapons? This seems an odd rule for the other nations to follow. The US never said we were the only acceptable nuclear power to Russians. Its unacceptable to allow foreign countries dictate your military strength, as a nation.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    It isn't all about foreign policy bro, not even close. You are sorely mistaken if you believe that a withdrawl from the mid east will take us off their radar. Foolish to even begin to believe this. As for the nukes, if you think it is okay for Iran to have them then you sir are also nuttier than squirrell turds.
  3. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    jesusfreakinchrist! we have been over this before. we have a huge reason to not want iran to have nukes. given that they are one of the biggest sponsors of terrorism, id rather not them have the ability to deliver nuclear weapons right into terrorists hands. which would happen in 3.5 seconds.
  4. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    Why in the world would the Muslims have a problem with us if our interests did not clash? History is full of different cultures having peaceful relations as long there was no conflicting interests. The Ottoman Empire had France as an ally in several conflicts and that was when France was Catholic! Why isn't Iran or all of the imams railing against Russia? They are just as hedonistic as we are, if not more so. Alocoholism is rampant over there as well as the sex trade, drugs, organized crime, etc. Yet the Muslims are happy to deal with the Russians because their interests are compatible....resist US/Israeli hegemony in the Middle East. We would do the same if the positions were reversed.

    As far as the Iranians having nuclear weapons there is no basis for stopping them. Think of it this way, the government has no right to stop you from buying a gun. They cannot arbitrarily decide who can get guns and who cannot. (Obvious restrictions aside, background checks, etc.)

    The point is that the arguments have to apply equally to everyone or else you are in danger of being on the wrong end of the government one day or falling for their propaganda. It's supposed to be a rule of law not law of the jungle.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    If only the government would let me have my very own nuke? Oh how special that would be.

    See how silly that is?
  6. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    How would if benefit the terrorist to start a nuclear exchange? The Islamic world would be up in flames in a matter of a few hours. This is not in their best interest. The Iranian leadership is much more likely to use their nuclear weapons (if and when they get them) to keep the US or the Israelis from toppling their government which we are obviously trying to do. Just look at the difference between how we treat N. Korea and Iraq.

    By the way, why is North Korea not considered the threat Iran is? Because of Israel and all their lobbying power in the U.S.
  7. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    we would be up in flames in areas as soon as their asses could smuggle them here. at the very least dirty bombs would be set off in the largest cities.
  8. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    So when the United Nations says to the US government we are not allowed to have nukes anymore we are supposed to what, exactly?

    See how silly that is?

    Or how about the Russians? Or the Chinese government says they won't buy anymore of our debt unless we dismantle or nukes?

    A sovereign government cannot allow itself to be dictated to regarding it's defense policy or it is no longer really independent. We cannot expect all the countries of the earth to bow down to our wildest imperial ambitions, nor should they. We should leave them the hell alone unless our national interests are at risk.

    And regarding your example of the personal are a citizen of the US, therefore the US government does have some authority over you. This is not the case for other nations.
  9. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    I doubt that highly, most of the time things like that leave traces so it is possible to find out where it originated from and the chances of massive retaliation against that country are most probably enough to deter access to nuclear material.

    Besides, all they would need to do to shut this country down is much simpler attacks on infrastructure, subways, tunnels, etc. They wouldn't even have to follow through with it, just threaten it like the IRA did to the Brits. It cost England so much money they finally went to the negotiating table.

    Anyway, enough of that. I'm just trying to make the point the Muslims are not more interested in making middle america islamic than you are in making Saudi Arabia democratic.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    The UN holds about as much weight as the boy scouts. Since when have we ever listened to them?

    I'm not going to debate whether or not it is okay for a radical whacked out country with a leader that is cleary insane should be allowed to have a feaking nuclear weapon or not. What are you his phucking cousin or something. That is just beyond retarded. We don't treat N. Korea the same because they are all bark and no bite. As for regime change in Iran, yes we are facilitating that but they are trying to get it done from the inside. The Iranians aren't very fond of achmanutjob but right now he has them by the balls.

    Tell you what, you and rex go on the I'm so sorry we are here in your country tour in iraq together. Go on and tell them that you apologize for our egotistical government. I'll be sure to watch your beheading on youtube after al jazzir releases it to the world.

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