Jesus Rifles used to kill muslims

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Bengal B, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Good God, I will be sure I fact check the posts next time. The point is still relevant, though. Regardless of my poor understanding of the theological differences in Islam it still should be of no interests to us who is running the government in Iraq unless they threaten our national security.

    Do you disagree with that point or would you prefer to discuss Islamic theology some more?
  2. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    You guys are top notch at insults....that's quite a skill you've developed as a grown man. Do me a favor and try to make a point, would you please...the schoolyard taunts don't really make your side look better. You actually could have made some points pretty easily but you can't seem to grasp the issue well enough to make them.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    I can't believe you don't
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    we know they say it is about israel. and it is. but they would find a reason if it wasnt israel. thats what radical muslims do, they kill.

    the fact that they terrorize new york is bad enough, trust me. they dont need to expand to baton rouge for it to be a problem.

    i dont like judaism.
  5. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Well, I'd have to say you are probably right. If their interests clashed they would find a reason. The catholics and protestants gave each other hell for a long time.

    I would also say that religion doesn't cause people to fight or political beliefs. It clashing interests. That's why we fought communist russia but get along with communist china.

    Let's face it, whatever business you are in would you rely turn down your client because he is Muslim or Jewish or Royalty or whatever. You wouldn't care, you would rather do business and you would be right. Because its in your best interest.

    However, if the Catholic/LSU fan neighbor wants you to cut down the trees in your yard you would have a problem with him.

    Stupid example but you get the idea.
  6. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Your lack of understanding of our enemy is why your opinions are completely useless. You've spent half of the thread telling us how we're to blame for the way the muslims feel but you obviously have no understanding of the basic theological background that motivates them. What the **** are you basing your silly statements on?
    Something you need to understand is that islam is not just a religion, like Christianity, but a complicated social and political system. Separation of church and state does/can not exist.

    Yep, that's you.

    I've spent better than half my adult life dealing with islam in one way or the Balkans, middle east, africa, and far east. I keep in touch with close friends that are islamic...and others deserved what they got. Based on my experience, most of your statements are childlike at best.
  7. LSUfan71

    LSUfan71 Founding Member

    I don't wanna pay $15.00 for a gallon of gas.
  8. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    I am well aware of this. And how many democratic Islamic states are there? Do you think our attempt to bring democracy to the Muslim world is going to be successful? Is there any historical precedent for turning Muslim states into democracies?

    Which silly statement are you refering to? Nations are motivated by self interest. It doesn't matter what their religion is.

    Which statement is childlike?

    And I really have to object to these assertions that whether or not I have been to the middle east or the balkans or africa has any bearing on the argument. Either the statements made are factual or not. All you do is make insulting statements about me personally but will not refer to the statement that you find fault with. I don't see why you won't point out which statement I made is incorrect and why.

    Our national interests are not threatened by Iran. If anything N. Korea is more of a threat to us. If the US military would not be involved in the middle east we would have no more problems with them than the Canadians.

    They do not attack targets willy-nilly. They select them in countries they consider a threat.
  9. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Originally posted by LSUfan71:

    Well, that is a valid point. I don't want to either and that would be bad for the American economy. Maintaining access to oil is a legitimate concern of the US government.

    I would have to point out, however that the oil embargo by OPEC that really whacked us back in the 70s was a response to American support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War.

    I would be willing to bet if we were more even handed in the middle east OPEC would be happy to do business. They need to sell the oil anyway.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Wrong Kimosabe. You vastly under estimate the interest and volatility of an idiot like achmdenajacket. Sure kim jong ill is an angry little man but that is because his country smells like a sewer, they have no money, no medicine, they pretty much just suck. I can tell you this with very much certainty,(and yes, I've been there) our presence in South Korea is NOT to keep the north from invading the south, it is the other way around. The ROK army would hand that little man his ass in a paper sack and they are chomping at the bit to do it.

    You seem like a fairly educated man, unfortunately you are just wrong in your presumptions of the world and most importantly have no grasp of the balance of power in the middle east and why it is so GD critical to keep these monkeys in their respective cages. I would be willing to bet you $10 to a bucket of sh!t that ANY sitting president wishes like hell he didn't have to worry about this. Unfortunately it isn't going away and they do have to deal with it. Iran with a nuke is not only dangerous to our interest, it pretty much envelopes the entire world.

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