Jesus = Dark Skinned

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex_B, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Judging from the amount of stuff I do WRONG and the fact that my wife apparently does EVERYTHING right, I think I am married to Jesus. Let me assure you. She is big blond haired woman that can shoot flame from her eyes and is partial to red bull and vodka. Just letting you know.:grin:
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  2. SonnyLoco

    SonnyLoco Founding Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    The first quote is something you posted.

    The second quote is also a quote you posted as rebuttal.

    When is it ok to assume? Only when you do it?

    I haven't gotten to the end of the thread yet...I am wondering if you ever get to a point. Because every depiction of Jesus I have ever seen has him with olive skin and brown most Nazarenes.

    Just more proof that to some, color of skin trumps any and everything. It is the most important part of most people's lives. These people are usually the first to point out that "other people" are racist however.
  3. SonnyLoco

    SonnyLoco Founding Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    Exactly. It is great when someone uses the scripture in context. Thanks Red. I didn't know I even had the ability to agree with you. :) That's the beauty of talking about the brings people of all walks of life to even ground. Great post. :thumb:
  4. TigerFan23

    TigerFan23 USMC Tiger

    Dec 11, 2003
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  5. SonnyLoco

    SonnyLoco Founding Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    Are you talking about me again?? :hihi:
  6. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    A team of scientists recently concluded that Jesus looked like this:




    Here are two articles that discuss it:

    I personally wouldn't be surprised if that is what Jesus looked like. It doesn't bother me, I love Jesus and I'll love Jesus regardless of what he looked like. But I was looking at a couple of the comments responding to the Popular Mechanics article discussing this, and I saw that some people were offended that anyone would suggest that Jesus looked like this. I personally don't understand what they are so upset about.

  7. SonnyLoco

    SonnyLoco Founding Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    How would a team of scientists know ANYTHING about what Jesus looked like? They think I we are all monkey's uncles for crying out loud.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    No, no, no, no. The ten "lost" tribes of Israel were not lost. They assimilated into Assyrian culture during the mesopotamian exile and simply did not return to Palestine. They became a mix of semetic tribes that later became Iraqis.

    There are a number of modern groups around the world who claim ancestry among the "lost tribes" but DNA analysis has shot them all down.

    "Caucasians" is a term that has largely fallen by the wayside in modern anthrolopogy since it was coined hundreds of years ago to describe the origins of the "white race". In fact, it is not a proper ethnic grouping by linguistics, DNA, or culture for the people now usually described as "European". And they have no relation with the semetic people of the middle east and Northern Africa.
  9. kedo15

    kedo15 Founding Member

    Jun 6, 2005
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    The penalty given to these ten lost tribes were
    1}being taken captive by the assyrians.
    2}The blessings Israel was supposed to recieve would be withheld 2520 years
    3}when they finally recieved the blessings which God had promised,the people would not know who they were.

    There are twelve tribes or brothers of Israel.God blessed one of these twelve brothers with the birthright{Joseph} even though he was not the first born son. These blessing were passed down from Jacob to Joseph to his 2 sons Ephraim and Manasseh,in effect making thirteen tribes.How many colonies did the United States start off with.Could that be thirteen.When was this penaly supposed to end? when would that 2520 year period be over? About 1803 The United States buys the Louisiana Purchase and almost overnight becomes a world power.Coincidence? I think not.

    I have looked at some of the research which supposedly shoots this down.It is faulty at best.First,let me define Jewish.There are two ways in the bible to be called Jewish.One would be to be a direct descendant of Judah,who is just one of the twelve tribes of Israel.Judah's direct descendants would be true Jews.Second ,would be a person who resides in Judea.You could be a green alien from mars or a race of blue people from Antartica and reside in Judea and call yourself a Jew.If you live in Texas ,you are a Texan.If you test the dna of a person against a green alien from mars who happens to call himself Jewish because he lives in Judea to see some sort of relationship,your test is faulty before it begins.

    The bottom line is ...We are the chosen people of God,but as was God's punishment ...we don't realize it.We will continue to fight alongside Great Britain standing up for what we believe is right around the world while our brother Reuben {France } gives us grief.We did ,after all take the birthright that he felt was his.
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  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    How conveeenient . . .

    Astonishing. You know, there are 13 buttons on a sailors bell bottoms, I'm sure they represent the 12 or 13 tribes of Israel.

    Oh, I think it is coincidence, all right. Are all things numbering 13 supposed to represent the 10 lost tribes of Israel? Sorry, I mean the 12 or 13 tribes of Israel.

    Didn't you say that the the Scottish, the Irish, and the Norwegian, among others, were each a named lost tribe of Israel? Tell me which of the 13 colonies was Norwegian? Oh, Wait, you said that Mannesseh was the lost tribe now in the United States earlier. So I guess that makes the 13 US colonies of no significance whatsover in relation to the 12 (or 13!) tribes of Israel

    Then share your source with us so we can be convinced.

    No, you don't need to redefine what a Jew is to support your thesis. We all know what a Jew is and what a jew ain't.

    It is clear to me that you have not really examined any of the mitchondrial DNA evidence or don't understand it very well. Do you imagine that the ethnologists conducting this research don't know the difference between an ethnic Jew and a resident Jew? The test will tell them instantly. The DNA pattern authoritatively establishes which peoples are related and how long they have been related. DNA frequently reveals that a person's heritage is not what he imagines it is.

    Moreover, with millions of samples being added to the database each year, it is possible not only to race individual family lines, but also to trace the geographic migrations of entire ethnic groups, through their divergences and convergences going back for tens of thousands of years. We know without question where the semitic people originated and where they migrated to. We also know that European (Caucasian) people are not semitic.

    I think I hear a cukoo in the cukooberry tree . . . :grin:

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