can somebody dr some picture so we can see purple on purple, yellow on yellow, and all combos with white pants? where are my computer peeps at?
This will sound gay but I made some different uni combos (white pants, purple pants) on the create-a-team option on NCAA football 2004 for ps2, I really liked the white pants.
Just be glad our unis don't look like Oregon!!! How can anyone be a fan of a team that looks that bad? Oregon looks like they lost the game before they play it. I say keep our unis like they are.
Yet they've won the games they've played in those uni's, right? Miss State and Oregon State. Maybe they distracted the teams too much to lose
Well, Dark Hornet! Rest easy...I heard yesterday that LSU will wear the Puh-nurple jerseys!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!
Coonie you are nuts...obviously you are not as old as I. The whites go way back to the Chinese Bandits...they are absolutely important for our success.
Tradition is so overated!!! White is still boring, whether on uniforms, cars, or vanilla ice cream. Boring!!! Now go wash those "lucky" socks, chooselsu...