ok guys.....I'm stupid. I click on this video and up comes WFAA. com / additional videos etc. What do I do to get the film of this jerk?
You let the ad. play, and then the video will play. Be patient, as I'm sure you're still on 56K in Oxford. Ok that was uncalled for, sorry.
The kid was an aggie fan. Isn't that what we are supposed to do when we are not to busy throwing cups of urine on their grandmothers?
Yeah Reggie Sanders even presented him with a bat (and most likely a ball as well). Don't worry, that guy will suffer. He needs to dig himself a foxhole and live in it.
Man, what a complete moron that guy is. His wife/girlfriend/escort wasn't bothered by the booing, but I noticed she'd scooted away a bit later in the clip. I'm thinking she's reevaluating his qualities as a future father now.
Some kind of triangle with an exclamation point in it shows up. The video does not run. Just this triangle saying "done, butwith errors on page."
Did anybody recognize the sport anchor in the studio? I think that was Joe Trahan formerly from FOX 8 in New Orleans.
If the guy next to the mom was his father, he should of put the beat down for kicking his little boy like that.