He could also have another year to prove to a NFL staff that he has matured from his run ins with the law and pick up a few more draft spots.
Did you see Harris throw at the skills challenge at the UA game? These guys tend to improve drastically as I'm sure Jennings will with more reps. And jennings won the skills challenge at UA from what I understand.
People are freaking out entirely too much over his showing in the bowl game, which was not without many contributing factors. It's like the Arkansas game never happened.
Absolutely. We could speculate all day and come up with many plausible reasons for him to stay, just how we could go on about what this would mean for LSU. With his high school buddy wanting to stay and block for him, the story gets better.
Mechanics schmecanics. If he completes the passes, he could shoot them out of his butthole for all I care.
That would literally be a shitty pass. In all seriousness though, @LSUMASTERMIND 's concern about mechanics bears paying attention to. Poor mechanics, breed turnovers and turnovers...well you get the point.
lol now thats funny. but seriously, that doesnt bother you, when he is pressured he will throw pics. It scares me, it will probably be fixed with Cam.
I won't lose too much sleep over it. He's still green, but has one of the best in the bidness coaching him up. Considering how much Zach improved, I feel good about Jennings or whomever our starter will be moving forward. This is my main beef with the JJ comparions. He never had an OC worth a shit to show him what he was doing wrong.
More so we need our up and coming receivers to show some initiative and time some time with AJ, or whomever will be the next QB, over the summer and work on chemistry. I think this is the intangible that OBJ and landry had with mett. Put in the work and it pays dividends. As far "mechanics schmecanics" it matters, a young QB does not need to start out with bad habits. Cam needs to break those and teach proper mechanics (which I think he will).