Cast stones. If people deserve it, they deserve it. Maybe the kids lawyer can use this thread in the courtroom: "hey, whats the big deal...people think its funny."
May not be easy to read/hear but he's right. They are also quick to point out that oral sex doesn't mean they're not a virgin. Middle school kids are boinking at very shocking numbers. It's nothing new, really. I read a study on single live births to US resident mothers from 1983-1986. Ages 10-14, there were 38,551. 16,068 to white kids/parents.
Of course this bunch of hooligans are going to have fun with it, but we also all realize how serious it is. Its a lose/lose for everyone. * no way he gets a free ride as it stands * probably closer to a cell than a locker room at this point * even in the event that the charges are dropped it won't happen in time and I doubt any one takes him, maybe auburn? * oh and there is always the victim :rolleye33:
oh joy so he falls short of qualifying as a pedophile by 12 months in total age between the girls age and the GENERALLY accepted age of AROUND 13... that thay use to seperate from the pedophile term. whoopity doo... He's a pedophile... he's 18, she is 14 which imo is the same as 13, and more than likely could have numerous girls his own age, but CHOSE to pressure a 14 yr old CHILD into giving him head (sex act), so yes technically you've just made my arguement for me. ty.
Sure bud, change whatever you want. Only reason I responded was cause you threw it out then snapped at SyrTiger who wasn't even quoting you. A 12 month window may not seem important to you but can be the difference tween being a free man or a convict. I still wouldn't use the word pedophile in speaking about any two teenagers playing hide the sausage. These days they all shave anyway.
Pedophiles desire children. Usually(unfortunately) these children are much younger, and wouldn't be near puberty. The story makes no indication that he wanted to have sex with her because she was younger. Also, even though he's 18, there's a difference between an 18 year old in high school and an 18 year old in college. You grow up a lot in the months you move away from family and friends and are on your own. I wouldn't consider him an adult just because he is 18. It was a stupid act whatever age he is. Reminds me of a story I read a few years ago about a football player, I think from Georgia, who was 19 and had sex with a 17 year old consensually. Somehow the police got involved simply because of the age and put him in prison. It was racially driven, so he got a huge sentence compared to what is normally given out.
Redemptorist is a parochial institution, where parents pay to send their children to school except in cases of special need i.e financial hardship or athletic ability. So this child's parents were paying to send their child to an institution that valued a thug's ability to tote the rock over the safety of a minor's safety and education. These values or lack thereof are mirrored at universities all over the nation, where men better suited for prison stripes walk campuses along those who are actually striving to better their lives, and being celebrated in the process. The list of names is too long to list.