thx again capt. obvious... you say potato i'll say pa-tot-o... would you prefer predator? how about sex offender? maybe chomo works you? It's all the same really no need to label and discriminate.
I don't follow your timeline, it must be a typo since it couldn't have been reported before it occurred. Only reason I'm asking is following such an incident they're usually suspended 10 days pending an expulsion hearing. Hearing has to be in that time frame and can be on the first or the 10th (or later if the central office loses it which does happen). Expulsion hearings have three options: 1/ Return to school on probation 2/ Go home for remainder of year (or for a school-year). 3/ Placement in an Alternative Program/school. If they're placed in alternative programs their work is sent there so they can "continue their education". Don't know if BR Parish has such a program but would be inclined to think they do. If he's a 1508 (sp ed) he'll be sent to a SSAAC school. It's dam near impossible to cut off education services for a kid that has any little "disorder".
Pay attention Horseshack Happened in Dec 2010 Reported in Jan of 2011 See, Jan comes after Dec in that instance.
I didn't say I agree with it whatsoever, just clarifying the term. I only read part of the first page.
That was ver-ry impressive, Mister Kotter-r-r! Jesus Christ! I never bothered cause that is an unusual time span from incident to reporting/removal. My fault, not making an excuse but having sat in on many hearings, it's unusual for it to go so long from incident to removal. I know females tend to not come forward but shyt like that usually spreads like wildfire and school systems move quickly to investigate and render a determination.
I did, it's oral sexual battery. They are not interchangeable terms. Pedophilia is a condition of being sexually attracted to children. As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia (or paedophilia) is typically defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 and older) characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary). Statutory rape differs from forcible rape in that overt force or threat need not be present.
Okay, this is among the stupidest things I've read on Tigerforums. Whats your point? Maybe the next thing I'll read in this thread is someone linking her attire to what happened. Hesus H. Christo. This is 2011 right? Even down the bayou?