Here's my take, if Harris isn't the guy starting this season; either he isn't what everyone thought he was gonna be and that's a huge bummer; or anthony jennings just got a whole hell of a lot better. So to be honest I really hope Harris is starting because I doubt Jennings is going to be light years better. One can hope in case Harris goes down if he starts. If AJ is the guy though, support him Tiger Fans. It only makes it more difficult for the kid when his own people don't have his back.
I don't know. I'm getting the feeling that the most likely scenario is that neither guy has really improved.
If I was forced to gamble that would be my bet as well. We are right where we were last year and 08-12. Hopefully Cameron earns his money this year and has both guys greatly improve. Mentally I'd take Jennings, athletically it's Harris and its not close. Has Brandon Harris made himself a better QB in the film room, and by immersing himself into the playbook? If so he will be the guy, and let's hope AJ will be ready when needed or vice versa.
I still don't by this playbook shit. Jennings nor Harris knows what a blitz looks like. We run 3 formations majority of the time. Most include 2 wide outs. 70% of the time the hardest thing for our QB's is to remember which way the run play is. I mean do people actually think we give Jennings/Harris more than 2 reads? Both look lost if their initial target isn't open. When they actually target #2/#3 they often are so out of position or unaware that the ball is thrown they don't make a play.
Our 2-minute defense lost the Alabama game in '12 and '14--not arguing that our offense was explosive, but there is no excuse to blow a lead so predictably in the last minutes of games of that significance.
Yes ... it would be much more interesting than debating if Jennings will be the starter. ... and less depressing. The Sky is actually clear. ... but it absorbes all the other color bands, so the only light that makes it through is the "blue".